2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

Maybe child endangerment?

We need law bros to chime in.

I donā€™t think they are required to tell you the results over the phone. However, if there is a paper copy of the results, you are entitled to get that (they have a reasonable amount of time to get it to you and can charge you for making copies). Unfortunately, HIPAA doesnā€™t obligate them to go over it with you on the phone or even just read them to you.

Youā€™ve already got the results, so itā€™s moot. But if you got a study at the new place, you could do exactly what you did to the last place, and they should send you a copy.

Child has a stroke, earthquake, active shooterā€¦you want your teachers mostly sober. Common sense.

Just the phrase ā€˜itā€™s not illegal to teach drunkā€™ is a funny phrase. Not something Iā€™d want to condone either. Obviously not good for the teacher to be drunk, but my wifeā€™s friend who was a teacher got caught drunk at school and they didnā€™t involve the law or fire her, but she got put on administrative leave and mandatory AA meetings, which I thought was pretty cool for a job to do and shows the value of a good union.

No s***. Fire the teacher then. That doesnā€™t mean itā€™s illegal.

Teacherā€™s drunk? Call the cops!

Jesus Christ.


Ok, calm down, I might be a little drunk. I asked my mother, retired 4th grade teacher extrodinaire (try spelling extraordinaire whilst tipsy) and she said hell no you donā€™t call the cops, someone like the principal fills in for the day, substitute thereafter and the teacher may only be put on leave and not fired.

I burned through his videos. Most videos are anti climatic in a good way. Eventually the cop gets tried and loses interest. He has a gift though. Heā€™s calm when he needs to but heā€™ll get the last word in when he wants too.

My only complains about him were his ā€œI love Georgia vs Cummingā€ sign should have been written straight. Let the cops bring up the word. The way he wrote it makes it hard to believe him.

Also his ā€œIā€™m going to park my car in the industrial district after hours to break curfew,ā€ just donā€™t give with his other vibe of a guy in public wanting to voice an opinion and nothing else and getting harassed for it.

But man heā€™s made me a libertarian when it comes to first amendment permitting. Or really, more likely, the ways that cities abuse permitting to get rid of free speech they donā€™t like. One of the videos had a cop literally asking him if he had a permit for his cardboard sign.

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Iā€™m in France right now, and ChatGPT is amazing for translating stuff! Restaurant menus, sure, but also like handwritten AirBNB instruction books. Translating an entire page takes about as much time as typing in a single difficult word for Google to translate.


It is!

Just be mindful it sometimes just makes shit up.

Like youā€™ll get whole paragraphs omitted or completely re-written.

Iā€™ve had good success w google translate just using the camera feature.

This is the way it should be done. Obviously someone with substance abuse issues, get them help. Dont throw them in fucking prison.

I say this as a recovered alcoholic and addict: we must be held responsible for our actions. So yes, get them help, but with clear and direct consequences for failure. Each individual situation will be different but being drunk at work would be reasonable grounds for dismissal at many jobs.

Keep in mind this is just the second grade. I am pretty sure I could teach 2nd graders while drunk. Itā€™s very easy material.


Plus it doesnā€™t take much booze at all to get 2nd graders drunk.


These are some names!

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Itā€™s not illegal

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Dismissal and arrest are two very different things.

And while, yes, recovering alcoholics must be held accountable for their actions, it might be the best course of action to get those who are addicts to the point they are recovering without making them financially destitute in the process so that they can begin being held accountable for their actions.

Im not saying alcoholics are helpless children incapable of being held responsible, but for someone who may not be being treated yet, immediate dismissal for a chemical imbalance in their brain prior to receiving treatment just seems like a shit way to treat another human.

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This. And arrest means calling the cops who might just shoot someone.

This is part two of the guy at the border check point