2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

Thoughts on this @ctr123

Good for the Communists then

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idk if this was posted elsewhere already, but the banana company was basically running a cartel employing a private military to murder people… and the punishment handed down is a fine of 1/100th of their annual revenue. i bet they really learned their lesson not to murder people.


Crazy that the two most famous stars of competitive eating in history are banned from the most famous event, where they have collectively won every contest except one since 2001.


Never thought I’d be rooting for the comptroller


I was just at a conference with a partner at my firm who lives in NYC and is one of the leaders of our infrastructure consulting practice. He claimed “the futurists want to ban driving”. I mentioned that no one was banning cars, they were just making it more expensive as a way of accounting for externalities. His response was that “being alive has externalities” and therefore by that logic we should also be killing people to reduce externalities. Chessmate libtards.

I mean. Taking reasonable steps to reduce population (educate school age girls) is absolutely something we should look at.


Now I want to see The Day after and the documentary “Television Event” about the impact of the movie.

Oh wow the whole movie is on YouTube.

Or just a clip of the attack.



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Talk about a banana republic!

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For those interested, the latest.

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Eric Holder represented them in the early 2000s. And they’ve consistently been doing this stuff for 125 years. Chiquita is United Fruit.

Sorry but none ? This is not meant to be rude but I didn’t watch the 5’ video just skimmed a few frames, and this looks more like an AI / character recognition achievement than anything math related ? (I’m sure that computers have been able to solve these equations for decades)

I thought there were already apps out there that let you write out equations, I remember using one on an earlier iPad. Being able to use variables might be new and the charting feature is pretty cool. If I was taking a math class this would be awesome, but I’m still holding strong on not needing to do Algebra on a daily basis.


Why would a six year old theft of a plane, joy ride and suicide by plane crash be on twitter today?



Hey, hey meme thread is thataway

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attack segment was awesome :+1:t3:

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I remember it as an event but I have no memory of actually watching it. Maybe not related but I had recurring nightmares for years. Still have dreams like that on occasion.