2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

yeah reading three body and not continuing to dark forest is literally the bottom guy in this meme

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Ahh so Ian is one of these assholes talking on the phone at airport lounges. Hate those guys.

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Did that for 18 months. Did not get on a plane only 3 weeks in that span.

The weeks I did only a 2.5 day trip from Minny to central Illinois was like vacation.

Otherwise it was San Diego or Italy. Many times those were 10+ day trips and I stay over the weekend.

It should be acceptable to talk on the phone anywhere it’s acceptable to talk to someone next to you

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That’s insane, especially because they had to pay for travel and lodging.

I, like many people, used to fly back and forth every week because I was in consulting. But I was single, no kids, and my job paid for flights, cars, second apartment, etc. It actually worked out great because my girlfriend (now wife), lived an hour away from my second apartment, so our long distance relationship got a lot closer.

No way I’d do that now. And for 10 years while having to pay for it all? FOH

It’s acceptable to talk to the person next to you at the poker table.

I agree this is nuts, but this part is just an arithmetic problem.

If your salary minus expenses is significantly better than your best local offer, then paying for it yourself isn’t actually an issue.

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I wasn’t reading super closely but no way this would be sustainable if doing 5 days a week in NYC? I guess unless you the type of person that could successfully work a full day after a red eye flight

Article makes it seem like he left for NY on a Monday and he was back in MN for dinner on Friday, so those days were probably shorter.

I used to do ATL to DCA - leave early Monday morning, return either Thursday evening or Friday afternoon. Because my girlfriend was only an hour away when I was up in DC (my second apartment was in Rockville, MD), I spent every other weekend up there. She also had a weird work schedule, so the in-between weeks, she’d come visit in the middle of the week.

The one fun thing about doing that in my early 20’s was that the guy at the Budget rental car counter got to know me, so he eventually started giving me random car upgrades. I drove a Lincoln Town Car one week, which I thought was funny. Got a convertible sometimes (Sebring, Michael Scott style) - somehow I managed to keep the car for a week vacation with my future wife down to Hilton Head.

But no way in hell would I have done that when my kids were growing up for an extended period of time. Sure, maybe for a month or something, but not ten fucking years.

Yeah, this.

My friend just did this for 9 months and I just facepalmed when he told me.

For those familiar with the 15 year drama with my neighbors, it ends this weekend - the house is sold and they’re currently clearing out. I haven’t posted about them in a while because it went from amusing/confusing to legitimately sad, but I’m hoping wherever they end up treats them well.


Recap the highlights?

Sounds like it’s a good thing they’ll no longer be your neighbors

It is definitely a good thing.

I think I first posted about them on 2+2 when the neighbor boys were running around feral and blowing stuff up at like 6 years old.

At some point I know I mentioned the same boys driving around town when they were like 14 and could not possibly have had drivers licenses.

And then the father (I think?) changed his name to something really crazy and took off for parts unknown. After that they started renting out rooms, and once had a guy live there who went insane and smashed the house up. Over the last several years there have been police there half a dozen times. The mom is pretty clearly an alcoholic and had a bad fall with a brain bleed last year, then told me a whole story about how it happened while mountain climbing. But I was here when the ambulance came to get her so I know it was 100% made up.

The boys seem to have mostly turned out OK. They are very into car culture so have made a lot of noise working on their cars, but given their early years it could have turned out much worse. The person I’m most worried about is the grandmother, who is OLD and definitely very dependent on the mom.


With that set up, this seems impossible. That’s a hell of a bink for that family.

For the patriots out there, USA v Canada is opening the T20 Cricket World Cup in Texas.

Canada is 34-0 through three overs.

Oldest rivalry in international cricket (seriously it is).

43-1 we got a wicket

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We play cricket?

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How many people you know with the last name Singh?

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