2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

IIRC, that’s a plot element in The Three Body Problem.


Interesting. This patient was being seen in the 90’s.

Hmm the story is from ~2006. It’s supposed to be hard science fiction but the science was pretty sketchy as far as I could tell.

Any chance this young lady may be feeling the effects of falling out of a coconut tree? It may cause one to think they exist within a context different than the one that came before them.


hopefully that woman didn’t watch The Curse


Some people get freaked out by the possible ways the universe might end even though it’s either extremely far away in time or would happen so quickly we’d never see it coming. My fears are more normal. Like going outside.

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That wasn’t due to gravity not working, it was the gravity of the planet being overcome by the gravity of three suns lined up. Also that was part of a highly-realistic video game rather than something that necessarily actually happened.


Gorgonzola cheese & honey is an elite pizza combo.

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But the effect was the same as far as the inhabitants were concerned. At some point I stopped trying to make it make sense and just went along with the story. I haven’t seen the TV show or read beyond the first book. I’ll blur spoiler. I thought the video game scenarios were actually supposed to have occured or be inevitable, to emphasize the futility of the situation and motivate their plan to invade Earth. It’s been a minute though.

Malcolm, 37, answers the door of their 18th-century farmhouse with four-year-old Octavian George, who is thrilled to have a visitor, bringing toy after toy to show me like an overexcited golden retriever. His little brother, two-year-old Torsten Savage, is on his iPad somewhere upstairs. Simone, 36, in an apron that strains across her belly, has her daughter, 16-month-old Titan Invictus, strapped to her back. The imminent arrival of their fourth child, a girl they plan to name Industry Americus Collins, turns out to be only the first in a string of surprises – and one really shocking thing – that I will encounter during my day with the pronatalists.

They take me upstairs. As well as having separate offices, Simone and Malcolm sleep in different bedrooms. Her office has a playpen in it, an elliptical exercise machine, and a standup desk across a treadmill, where Simone walks while she works. Does she ever stop? She smiles. “I am autistic, and I really feel uncomfortable sitting still.” Simone was diagnosed fairly recently, after Octavian was diagnosed. She and Malcolm see her autism as an asset. At the recent Natal conference in Austin, Malcolm says, “one of the big jokes was how autistic the movement was. Like a third of the people there had autism.”

There is an AR-15 assault rifle mounted on the wall of Simone’s office. She has a Beretta shotgun above the mantelpiece in her bedroom, plus bear spray, and a bow and arrow. “It’s for home defence,” Malcolm tells me. They never used to have all these weapons. “Most of that is since we started the movement – because of all the death threats.” He shrugs. “That’s just the nature of the internet these days. I’m sure Greta Thunberg gets death threats all the time, too.”

Gonna say; the wording on this eyebooger post is exactly on point!
Perfect use of What in the absolute fuck.
One of my favourite expressions.

Are you from the UK?

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reminds me of when han solo got frozen

These two are nut jobs known for something else as well. I don’t remember what and don’t care to google them.

you read three body problem and don’t read dark forest?!?

buddy you gotta fix that.

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Ha, thanks. I’ll add it to the list. But it’s a long list.

it should be first.

think of three body problem as the prelude to dark forest/death’s end, imo the best two science fiction books ever. better than the foundation/robot series, better than the rama series. i just got all 3 back from my dad and im gonna reread dark forest. my memory sucks so i’ll probably get like 70% of the :flushed: as the first time, which i’m in for lol.

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Vermont, so New England, not Old England.

Well that adds 4 books to the list. I’ll see what’s in the local libraries. Maybe they have audiobook versions.

Edit: Actually that’s only 2 additional books. Black Forest on hold now. 15 week wait…

This seems like a very very good thing. Put a chill on the revolving door a little.