2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune



The way the human brain stores memories for 30 years is crazy. I remember all of this.


Yeah, I can see my old boxy PC in the corner of my familieā€™s dining room, the kitchen table chair we would use, my sister and I huddled around it. We would play Doom and Scorched Earth


Me too. Doom and Quake are seared into my brain forever.

Oh man scorched earth so good


Yeah, its a shame that it doesnt play well on almost anything anymore. Even on something like DosBox, computers are way too fast now for the inputs to work correctly.

Worms is an alternative, but not a great one.

Was Doom before or after Wolfenstein?

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Thanks. I played that a little, but didnā€™t love it, so thatā€™s probably why I never got into Doom.


The original wolfenstein was an apple ii game. It was out before pcs were a thing.


Right. The Wolfenstein we all think of us when we say Wolfenstein is actually Wolfenstein 3D.

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Doom had absolutely brilliant sound design.

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Which carried over into the reboot. The music was the best part of that game

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I was just reminiscing with my old childhood friend about this. We used to have our modems call each other to play death matches. My favorite kill was when I paused the game and said I needed a restroom break (either player could pause and unpause). Knowing he would play dirty and unpause, I also went to a dark corner to hide. He knew that I knew he would play dirty so he also knew where Iā€™d be hiding. Knowing that he would know that I would know heā€™d play dirty, I went to that spot and waited for him. Sure enough, he unpaused and ran straight to my hiding spot and got blasted with a rocket.


Nice. The old ā€œthey know that I know that they knowā€ gambit is a classic. I played it many times in Doom, Quake, and poker.

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Uh, Chris thatā€™s how quoting someone works. You donā€™t have to make your entire thesis papers entirely your own words. You can say Person A found that and then quote what that person said.

You get in trouble when you donā€™t say ā€œPerson A found thatā€

Isnā€™t this guy now in charge of a university?

Extra mild, now with 50 percent more water

Is it a stereotype that Australian food is bland? Iā€™ve only ever heard that about the UK.

The numbers were:

Were the tickets randomly chosen? If so they may have just found a bug in the pseudo random number generator. If it was one random one custom that would be pretty rare. No birthdayā€™s in them so itā€™s a weird number to go once let alone twiceā€¦