2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

My kids used to do this with the „registry“ being a box at the local family-run toy store. Since we are in a small town that was the only toy store in town and we always appreciated when other parents did the same. It was just one visit to the city and you helped support a local business.

From what I heard. The lady burnt her face and had to quit because she was messed up.

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As long as that’s true, and that there were some especially low-cost options, I wholeheartedly endorse this development.

Maybe dont assault people at their work?

Punishment is obviously dumb, but she deserves more than a weekend without her phone.

Think she was initially sentenced to 90 days with half suspended.

What is the normal sentence for assault and battery for what I assume is a first time offender? Whatever it is she should get that.

If a black woman had done the same thing, would they also have gotten a sentence of working in fast food for a couple of months? Doubtful.

Think it’s probably a sad state when some of our jobs suck so much that it seems like reasonable punishment to make somebody work them.

Just should sentence one of the Chipotle executives to working front line at a restaurant. Would probably do more good.

Going to agree. I am not going to complain about a hardline being taken against battery.

Chipotle food is cool to the touch.

Fraud alert level: high.

It depends. Progressive rehabilitative justice model would be lol no jail ldo, and some community service, lightly monitored, selected by the convict. A more draconian conservative justice model would be lol no jail ldo unless there was proof of disfigurement or something akin (lol chipotle food causing that), and some more heavily monitored community service cleaning rich folks’ highways.

Yeah but it’s full of poison. At least it was the few times I ate it. Got sick three times trying it way back when. I would probably throw it at someone who tried to give it to me, let the justice system take mercy on my soul.

Found a burrito place nearby and ordered from them a few times. Quality is about what you’d expect from the outskirts of a 2nd-tier Chinese city, but I am easy to please.

I’m not some science loser so I don’t know what’s responsible but the resulting amount of gas is otherworldly. If I’m ever in a competition I know what my pregame meal is going to be.

Is this the most statistically improbable thing to happen in our lifetime?

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That seems improbable enough to cause suspicion. Not necessarily on the winners, but on whatever randomizer chooses quick picks, assuming neither ticket was winner-selected.

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Faced with a demand from Republican lawmakers to axe diversity initiatives or go without raises and other funding, Universities of Wisconsin officials announced Friday that they’ve agreed to freeze hiring for diversity positions, drop an affirmative action faculty hiring program at UW-Madison and create a position at the flagship campus focused on conservative thought.

That is certainly going to be investigated thoroughly. Seems improbable.


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I feel like this feel good story is the nexus of the trends that are taking over America, the carcel state, our weird bond system, gambling on every corner



I always buy two tickets with my main numbers as I am afraid of losing one.


This was my first thought but the article I read indicated it was two different people

How long until the documentary on how the mega millions has been rigged all along?

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