2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

21 Roberto Clemente
66 Mario Lemieux
13 Dan Marino

at least half the numbers are great athletes with a Pittsburgh connection. Makes you think.

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I wonder what that superscript 4 at the end of the highlighted section means. It’s a real mystery.

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Not sure where to put this, but we received this email/text yesterday from our 1st graders school yesterday. Gives you great warm and fuzzy feelings.

“One of our principals received an email along with at least 40 other school districts in Ohio containing bomb threats. The threats are similar in content and language to threats that occurred in recent days in California and Texas. The Ohio Homeland Security Statewide Terrorism Analysis and Crime Center believe these threats to be a case of swatting and our local Police Department/Sheriff’s office concur. We felt it was appropriate to still communicate this issue to you. These local law enforcement agencies and our resource officers will remain vigilant. The safety of our students is our number one priority.”

The best part is claiming that they “obtained documentation demonstrating” the plagiarism, in which the documentation seems to be - her dissertation and the works she cites? Pretty sure you can just get that shit on ProQuest, hope you didn’t pay your informant too much.

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I think I heard of this happening once but i believe it happened because the clerk ran the same self-pick slip though the machine twice (instead of two separate sheets) and no one noticed.

Rereading it specifically he’s saying that they didn’t put quotes around the quoted text which, in the most abstract way possible, might mean that she’s paraphrasing them (implying she’s mixing her work in with their raw materials) as opposed to directly quoting them, which seems extremely pedantic. Reading the article there’s no way that you can mistake their conclusions for her conclusions, which is the point of plagiarism.

Robertro Clemente
Rod Woodson
Maurkice Pouncey
Mario Lemiux
Enrie Stautner
Dan Marino

That makes sense I guess, especially considering Crosby, Jagr, Joe Greene, and Malkin would have numbers too high to play. But two people playing those numbers, for the same reason, without either including Jack Lambert 58, Mike Webster 52, or Polamalu 43, Big Ben or Bradshaw doesn’t make sense


When Donna heard the charges, she asked, How is this even possible? Ian had learned the answer in law school: a sweeping and uniquely American legal doctrine…

Got to say when I hear that phrase, unless it’s the first amendment, I know it’s bad.

Sentenced to Life for an Accident Miles Away | The New Yorker




The article you posted doesn’t say that there were two different winners. It just says that the winners will split the money.

I’ve often seen lotto degens playing the same numbers multiple times.

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Good read, thanks for posting. I had some familiarity with felony murder but didn’t fully understand how fucked up it is.

So fucked up.

To my mind wanging white supremacists over the head with chairs IS community service.


Hail Satan.

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I read the guy’s thread and he actually came across sane and understanding and the people he was talking with sounded absolutely insane. Like I get that might find it offensive but the correct answer is “I find it offensive”. They were like the forces of Satan are gathering strength each second this display is up and we’re called of God to strike down Satan.


Satanists fucking rule just based on their beliefs, the trolling is just icing on the cake.

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