2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

I would have thought theyā€™d use it to mean Canadian.


I know the cops and courts suck and all. But JFC donā€™t call in for your suspended license hearing while driving a moving vehicle.


That is one of the funniest things Iā€™ve ever seen


Thatā€™s what camera off is for!

I mean, every time I drive anywhere it only confirms that the median driver doesnā€™t believe that any rules of the road apply to them. They have a whole set of rules fabricated in their minds that they think everyone should be following. I wouldnā€™t be at all surprised if a lot of drivers think that a suspended license is just some stupid administrative process, if you donā€™t have to follow the speed limit or stop at stop signs then why would you have to stop driving just because you have a suspended license?


Iā€™m also a bit torn. On one hand, plenty of these drivers are legit dangers to society and we are collectively safer with them off the road. On the other hand, public transit is nonexistant in huge swaths of this country so how the fuck are they supposed to exist without driving?

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Iā€™ve lost count of the number of times Iā€™ve had a telehealth patient answer the audio/video call while driving.

Usually itā€™s an intake patient whoā€™s too clueless or self-absorbed to know better, but Iā€™ve occasionally had current patients answer the call while being near to where they plan to park and talk.

Car dependency is decades in the making, so you are correct that people are basically screwed if they canā€™t drive because it would take decades to undo the damage of a society built around car dependency even there was a political will to try, but there isnā€™t even a political will to try. People see walkable neighborhoods and public transit as threats!


15 minute cities are slavery!


More sleep apnea talk: Iā€™ve always been aware that the length/quality of my sleep according to my Apple Watch had almost no relation to how rested I felt. For the last several nights Iā€™ve been wearing a sleep oximeter to track oxygen data and it definitely seems like it may just have always been a question of how oxygen-deprived I was. If thatā€™s true and we can treat it my life is going to change.


Funny when judge tells him to report and it dawns on him he is screwed.

You should experience a huge difference. My whole life I got sinus infectionslike 7 or 8 a year that would last weeks. I determined when I wasnā€™t sleeping with clear nasal passages I just spiraled until I got sick. Ten years plus with the machine and I can easily count on one hand the number of sinus infections I have had.

My only problem with my machine is I have had a few occasions I had to sleep without it and I get stunlocked with fear not having it available. Canā€™t sleep at all.

Oh yeah my acid reflux disappeared when I got on the machine too.


This will be the only problem (though I know plenty who dont have this issue, LFS.) I personally cannot sleep without it. I had to do a 2 night sleep study without the machine when I changed insurance and got maybe 1.5 hours of restful sleep over 2 nights. My hourly instances went from about 1 with the machine to over 300 without it.

Unconventional? Thatā€™s almost exactly how I found my fiancĆ©.


Which part?

Physicists like to play games with words but if the numbers are right, that would be an acceleration equivalent to almost 7 g (assuming initial vertical velocity is zero). If youā€™re not strapped inā€¦ well we know what happened.


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How is that more likely than just bad data?

I am quite certain that the gravitational force acting on the airplane remained constant.

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