2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

Chipotle’s puts rice in their burritos as filler don’t they, instead of refried beans? Boooo.

Why cant they just fry the beans correctly the first time?


Don’t all the major chains? I know Willy’s does.

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It goes viral → Chipotle finds out which store/which employee → tells store manager → manager reprimands or fires employee for making the burritos wrong → Chipotle thanks poster for bringing this major problem to their attention and now they have dealt with it.

They put beans in there too (whole not refried). When I get a bowl it’s generally enough for 2 meals but there is definitely a lot of variance in portion sizes.

Exactly. Dude is just being an asshole for the sake of it, just for the joy of humiliating fast food employees.

I find the variation is most noticeable for sides of guac and queso. You really need to watch over them or you’re going to get a half cup which isn’t nearly enough for a bag of chips. Especially a half cup by height, which is less than a half cup by volume. Ruins the whole meal.

I’ve noticed they can also be very intentional dishing out the protein on bowls and burritos. I always assumed there’s some standard size and management cracks down on servers being too generous so at worst you’re just getting what you’re supposed to get there. And it’s not as noticeable cause there are so many other ingredients that get added in.

I don’t know if filming helps but making your interaction with the staff passive aggressively confrontational just for a few extra cubes of steak doesn’t seem worth it. I would do it to ensure my side cups get topped off but I’ve had 100% success just saying “hey can I get a full cup please.”

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Video is a bridge too far from me.

The move I pull, also obtained from the twitterverse, is when getting double meat, wait until they’ve put the single portion first and then say “I’d like double meat”. That will always get you more versus telling them you want double meat right off the bat, since they have already committed to a portion size and need to (approximately) double it.

I never get guac or queso, but I don’t doubt that you’re correct about those.

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I think the key is that Chipotle varies more by location than any other chain I can think of. The one I always went to always fills the guacs completely, and gives decent protein. And I never got E. Coli, which is a plus.

They opened a Chipotle closer to my house that sucked. It’s gone now.

Although it’s been over a year since I’ve been, so maybe even the good one has gone downhill.

Is rice in a burrito not standard? My local chain does that. Mind you I am a long way from authentic Mexican food.

Made me think of what was the original biggest 2+2 drama was… thought of the literal dick measuring contest. Biggest one I could think of was the one I was involved in - potripper and absolute poker.



E. coli is extra


I associate rice with Mission-style burritos, which thanks to Chipotle, I’m sure many people think are standard.

I was in SoCal earlier this year and ate a lot of burritos, nearly all the burritos on all of the menus had no rice.

I’m talking about dry, wrapped burritos. If you’re talking about wet burritos (covered with sauce) on a plate, that may be different. I haven’t had a lot of those.


Not Brandi?

We had mr gattis here too. Used to go to the buffet.

Italian media on Monday had quoted unnamed Italian bishops in reporting that Francis jokingly used the term “faggotness” while speaking in Italian during the encounter.

that’s not even a curse word in italian, i heard it all the time when i visited italy it just means american


Randomly filming people without their permission is unbearably obnoxious.

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yeah any time I see one of these videos I already know the guy filming is 99% likely to be a total asshole