2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

In Italy, had a work colleague inquire about getting chicken on his pizza.

I thought the Italians were going to vomit. The waiter said no.

Thereā€™s such a thing as bad pizza, but that has more to do with low quality ingredients and poor preparation than style.

I eat chili dogs with a fork. Otherwise I make a huge mess.

So what does that mean?

Conceptually it makes culinary sense to add acid to a hot dog (which is just fat and salt).

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I like them both. Ketchup is my first go to condiment for hotdogs. As I have said recently, I was born in Chicago, so itā€™s not genetics.

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Deep dish is like regular pizza but they just max out the best parts, the cheese and the sausage. Whatā€™s not to love?

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Yea, same. When Iā€™m not going to a specific Chicago dog place I always put ketchup on my hot dogs. Piles of grilled onions is the best single condiment though.

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Maybe thatā€™s the determining factor, whether you think ā€œpizzaā€ is really about the crust or toppings.

I donā€™t like the crust on deep dish pizza.

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Well I guess I donā€™t really care if people call it pizza or pizza casserole or whatever, all I know is that itā€™s got crust, sauce, cheese, and whatever toppings you want, thatā€™s a pizza in my book. Obv you donā€™t have to get sausage but that entire sausage layer is the best part.

Yeah I can see that, definitely on the thick side, but you gotta hold all those ingredients in there somehow. I donā€™t like the ones that are too doughy, the thinner crunchier crusts are better, like Pequods or Lou Malnatiā€™s well done.

There is such a wide range of pizza types, styles, and qualities that often itā€™s comparing apples to oysters. Like even here in the US the range goes from like Little Caesars, which is worse than most frozen pizza, to great local places, etc. And thatā€™s without even discussing Chicago style and other regional variations like St. Louis (lol), Detroit, Greek (which is very common in the Boston area, I know that much).

And then you go to Italy and youā€™re like holy shit this is an entirely different thing.

If you love deep dish pizza, throw a couple of hot dogs in there and you really got a stew going.


My local Little Caesars is completely fine. Itā€™s now $6.25 or something instead of $5 for a cheese or pepperoni, but itā€™s hard to beat the price to quality/quantity ratio. It doesnā€™t keep well, though. The crust is terrible reheated the next day. The rest of it is ok.




Hell of a lede (pun) intended

Facing a crowd of journalists, inventor Thomas Midgley Jr. poured a lead additive over his hands and then proceeded to inhale its fumes for about a minute. Unfazed, he said, ā€œI could do this every day without getting any health problems whatsoever.ā€

Soon afterward, Midgley needed medical treatment. But the act would have dire consequences beyond his own well-being.


There is a disgusting pizza subreddit that pops into my feed occasionally. The pictures Iā€™ve seen are horrifying