2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

Are you on drugs? Poutine is amazing.


So how long do you have? I really hope this joke doesnā€™t boomerang

Only sociopaths donā€™t like poutine.


I love pizza. I donā€™t like pizza flavoured casserole.

I met a family with two little kids who donā€™t like ice cream. Definitely Satanā€™s spawn.


Back long ago when I was a psych T.A., I handed out on the first day of class the fictitious Brooklyn Personality Inventory so that I could return to all of them an ā€œindividualizedā€ personality analysis containing all the same exact Barnum statementsā€¦just to watch them all look around at each other and she how astounded everyone was with how ā€œaccurateā€ their results were.

Anyway, one of the ten T-F statements I gave was ā€œI prefer shrimp to pizza.ā€

What percentage do you think answered ā€œTrueā€?

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Thereā€™s no platonic ideal of pizza.

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Gotta be under 10, even though the best shrimp is probably better than the best pizza.

But real fabulous shrimp is tough to find.

When I was a wee lad there was this place that would put shrimp on pizza.

Them be a-fighting words!!


Since the tests were bogus, I never tallied any of the answers, but I guestimated about 5-10% shrimp.

I could dig that, assuming the shrimp was more heavily seasoned than the pizza, allowing the shrimp to really pop in your mouth.

At least in China shrimp on pizza is normal and it does absolutely nothing for the pizza.

Thereā€™s a local chain here that just created one of the most DC/MD pizzas ever. I present to you The ā€œBubba Mambo,ā€ Start with a creamy parm-romano sauce and shredded mozzarella, add grilled onions green bell peppers. Then throw on some Old Bay seasoned shrimp and Italian sausage. Finally, hit the whole pie with Capital City Mambo sauce.

Do I think those flavors will all combine well? No. Will I be trying it the next time they send me a coupon? You betcha.

For the life of me I will never ever understand how people look at this as hot dog

and are against this



Itā€™s a bad salad which for some reason they added hot dog.


god, this

I hate these sort of dick measuring contests, I live in a BBQ town and basically everyone loves to get in fights about this shit, shut up shut up shut up, I like all of the bbq. I like bbq from other cities, yes itā€™s different so what youā€™ll live you fucking babies a little vinegar isnā€™t going to fucking kill you SHUT THE FUCK UP


Althoughā€¦Asian BBQ>American BBQ

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I go to chicago and I get BOTH deep dish AND flat tavern style pizza, all pizzas matter