2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

Dr. Paine was my calculus instructor. He was pretty good. Not sure he totally deserved it but he did get teacher of the year. Never figured he’d end up in dentistry.

I think @MimosaDef was making a meta joke about that’s the joke using a simpsons image


A favourite definition of joking has long been the ability to find similarity between dissimilar things - that is, hidden similarities. Jean Paul has expressed this thought itself in a joking form: ‘Joking is the disguised priest who weds every couple.’ Vischer carries this further: ‘He likes best to wed couples whose union their relatives frown upon.’ Vischer objects, however, that there are jokes where there is no question of comparing - no question, therefore, of finding a similarity. So he, slightly diverging from Jean Paul, defines joking as the ability to bind into a unity, with surprising rapidity, several ideas which are in fact alien to one another both in their internal content and in the nexus to which they belong. Fischer, again, stresses the fact that in a large number of joking judgements differences rather than similarities are found, and Lipps points out that these definitions relate to joking as an ability possessed by the joker and not to the jokes which he makes.


Do kids still use mechanical pencils? I don’t think I have seen or thought about those (until just now) since middle school.

Idk what the kids are doing these days but back in the day we only had wooden pencils. Now I almost exclusively use mechanical pencils and have since college. Sadly, can’t do 0.5 mm lead anymore. Moved to 0.7 mm so I don’t snap it off as often.

Pens for life, haven’t used a pencil since school days.


When i suddenly became rich a couple years ago i bought a mechanical pencil from Tiffany. It cost five hundred dollars. I barely use it tho, because i prefer to write with an ultra thin sharpie


Wow, a short step away…




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I need this. 70% of my searches I want text and I get hit with tons of YouTube videos that just want to waste my time.


Pilot g2 with refills



Also don’t they call it ultra fine

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ultra fine point, you’re right



Yeah buddy you’ve been missing out. The Best Mechanical Pencils | JetPens

Wait, I just realized it says gay. Read it as guy. I’m going to have to figure out the episode and watch it. It’s so specific

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My Middle School PE teacher was Mr. Ball. He also taught at that school for like 60+ years, no lie.

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G2 rules!

Why is “Web” in quote marks? Is this some grammar thing I don’t know about?