2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

This is pretty elite


(It is a Simpson’s paradox reference)


I had a friend who waited tables at red lobster in college, said the staff was pretty racist always complaining black people would never tip. They would fight to not get black customers.

It’s also on CBS Sports.

I had a gastroenterologist named Dr. Spirt.

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They were mostly fine as long as you didn’t go up to the table with an attitude. You’d be shocked at how much difference just walking up to the table like you’re happy to see them makes. If you didn’t learn how to get tips from black people at the Red Lobsters I worked at, you wouldn’t make any money. Bring black women extra cheese biscuits and they love you forever.

The gang-looking and trashy black people were bad tippers. But that’s true of all races.


These two posts showing up back to back made me laugh for some reason


When I was in the 8th grade, we had a hot, 30-something Hygiene teacher named “Miss Hyman.”


Indeed is ironically laying off 1000 people.

Just got to hear Doris Kearns Goodwin speak at a lunch event. She was impressive. She talks a mile a minute, no filler, just a ton of substance, interesting anecdotes, and thoughtful insights. I don’t think she stumbled over her words once. She would randomly launch into side anecdotes in response to questions and quote bits from LBJ’s speeches and Lincoln. She’s 81.


The weird thing about The Simpsons is that while the average quality of the Doctors’ jokes has decreased over time, the average quality of Dr. Hibbert and Dr. Nick’s jokes individually has actually increased over time
(It is a Simpsons pair’o docs reference)


I had a urologist named Dr. Burrito!

Ok, fine, it was actually Dr. Brito, but still…

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Meanwhile everyone on my mom’s side of the family is basically donezo at 75.

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Is it wrong that Im kinda pulling for that so I dont have to worry about being in a home in my 80s?

75 years is enough, what else am I going to do after that?

My dad turns 89 in a few months and has been living his best life since my mom died 14 years ago. Had a girlfriend for a while, traveled the world, etc. Obviously most of us won’t get to enjoy those years the way that he has/does, but it looks pretty sweet imo.


Sounds great, what did his retirement portfolio look like?

Not massive but not tiny, he’s very good at living within his means. It’s part of the reason he broke up with the girlfriend (or let it fade away, really), she was extremely wealthy and the disparity bothered him. She is also younger and he was really uncomfortable with the prospect of her supporting/taking care of him. Kind of a bummer to not just embrace love, but it was his decision obviously.


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i wouldn’t have got the joke if it wasn’t explained. more people should explain their esoteric memes. not doing so is just rude


I hope to keep traveling and hiking in nature until I keel over. The plan is to just never stop walking and hiking and working out, and hopefully having that extra muscle mass and conditioning powers through while dodging all the other potential bullets.


Middle school janitor was Mr. Custodio.

What do I win?