2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

What’s the status of Boston Market? Love me some meatloaf. Could feed my big crew pretty cheap when they had the buy a family meal and get a whole chicken for a buck deal.

Don’t know where you are but Orlando metro area still has 6 according to trip advisor just now. I know of at least three off the top of my head though that have shuttered in the past ~5 years though. Maybe independent franchises?

Every time I set foot in one of those god awful chain restaurants I can’t help but look around at the other customers and how they interact with the staff which makes me enraged and depressed.

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I think you can still get meatloaf at Bob Evans.

That’s sad. They were the ultimate survivor for so long, just chugging along while 100s of other popular chain restaurants came and went.

As many of you know from the AMA thread I did on 22, I waited tables at Red Lobster on and off for 5 years. The food was pretty good, atmosphere kitschy and stupid, but it was a good time if you were into it.

Don’t miss Mother’s Day at Red Lobster though. The shitshow of all shitshows.


That’s absolutely wild to me. Everything about memory is wild though. I’m in my mid 30s. My earliest vivid memories are from when I was 2, and I have a good bit of them. If I sat and wrote them down I could probably give good detail on several dozen things from that age ranging from the mundane to events/celebrations. From 4 on I have pretty much full memory, can remember tons of specific moments from every year of childhood starting then.

Ask me what I had for breakfast yesterday though.

And inb4 “you dont actually remember things, you remember being told stories”. I’ve shocked my parents a few times by telling them some random detail I remember that never would have come up in any conversations before.

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I remember when I was a kid my grandma always liked to get the bloody marys at Red Lobster. She’d let me have the shrimp that came with the drink. .

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The other morning i was trying to remember what movie I watched the previous night and was coming up blank. Seems insane to not be able to name something that was watched 12 hours ago. I swear my brain is complete mush now.

We’re back baby!

Chris Moneymaker’s A10s holds against Bryan Kim’s A8o to take down $903,000 and 1st place in the Triton Montenegro $25k GGMillions event!



Need meme for when someone posts in the wrong thread.


Same but not that young. I remember when I was 3 waving to my Dad from the parking lot when he was in the hospital for back surgery. But once school started, I remember a lot.

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I have lots of movies I remember practically every word. But in todays world it mostly a once through loop.

Ah the days of basic cable and a small catalog of the hits playing over and over.

Since the 90s it’s pretty much T2, Die hard 3/4, TNG movies, Shawshank. Maybe some Star Wars

But late 70s and 80s, dozens.

Poker Boom II iminent!

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I do exactly this. I think as you age your brain decides to just not gaf about remembering relatively minor stuff, including stuff from just a couple of hrs ago.

This guy knows statistics.

Wait, some guy named Moneymaker won a poker tournament? Thats wild. Its like a guy named Crentist becoming a dentist.

Honey, Im taking ten grand and going to Vegas! See ya in a week!

My wife’s old dentist was named Dr. Paine.


Speaking of booms, I watch about 0 poker on TV anymore. Does ESPN still cover the world series or is that exclusive to streaming stuff like PokerGo now?