2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune



I wouldn’t say I’ve been missing it, Yuv.

PS I post on a message board where “genius” is the word filter replacement for the most controversial word in UP history. And that board is very high percentage UK and Australian.

So when I see genius ANYWHERE that’s what I think of. On TV, band name, anything.

And the Boygenius thread is very popular there. So yeah. Not filtered. The musical artist. Not what’s offered on grindr

They should do it like the world cup. Have regionals, like Eurovision. So add Americavision, South Americavision, Asiavision, Aussiepartoftheworldvision etc. Then have a big massive song-and-display-off with a bunch of the top 3 finishers from each region where they all have to do a different song from their first one.
When the organisers realize and do this, I’m taking full credit for the idea.

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No way they would ever invite the US. Madonna would just win every year imo.

Beyonce, fyp.

Tell me you’re old without telling me you’re old.

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1990 Madonna v Beyonce
Who wins?

EZ Beyonce. Watch the vids.
Racism might come into play with WorldEuroVision voting tho.

There is a plague of nyc punches. A month ago I had three or four random TikTok’s of ladies getting punched in the face walking down the street in nyc.

I am pretty dubious of any social media trend that creates the impression of widespread trends like this. It’s almost always the case that things like this are barely happening if viewed objectively, but social media is particularly adept and making us think that a rare thing is happening much more often than it actually is. Media Consumption 101 in 2024 demands that you not make risk assessment based on whatever is popping up in your feed.


Matt Bruneig files an unfair labor practice against a cult leader

The employment agreement also includes a rule against making and posting certain recordings and videos of the workplace:

Without Bentinho Massaro’s advance express consent, I will not create, share, distribute or make public in any way photographs, videos, movies, sound or image recordings or any other depictions or likenesses of Bentinho Massaro (collectively referred to as “Images and Recordings”).

Employees have a right to engage in “photography and audio or video recording in the workplace, as well as the posting of photographs and recordings on social media” for the purposes of mutual aid and protection. (Whole Foods Market, Inc. ; Caesars Entertainment ; T-Mobile USA, Inc. ). This rule would reasonably be read as prohibiting employees from exercising this right and is therefore illegal under Stericycle.

Additionally, this rule requires employees to get “advance express consent” before making or posting recordings and videos of the workplace. Employees never need an employer’s permission, written or otherwise, to engage in protected activities. (Brunswick Corp ).



just ran into a guy i haven’t seen in like 20 years. main thing i remember him for: we were like 17-18 years old driving around the neighborhood smoking a blunt (bc that’s what you did at that age). he saw a middle aged guy walking down the sidewalk with his maybe 8-9 year old son. leans out the window and yells, “hey kid! get a real dad!”.

obviously laughed hard as a stoned teenager. but it’s been one of those core memory things that i have no business remembering as clearly as i do. kid looked up at his dad kinda questioning why a random would yell that from a moving car.

kinda bugs me now ngl. like yell anything, “fuck you” or whatever. don’t have the kid questioning if his dad is good enough. can’t say i think about it all the time, but any time he comes up in conversation or something reminds me.

anyway brought it up to him in our 3-minute convo on the way out of the store. he didn’t remember. told him he was a dick for that one. :man_shrugging:t3:


post #2: does anyone else ever try to remember/think of something that they haven’t in a long time? not anything specific, just like laying in bed thinking about an era or a situation and trying to remember something that happened that i haven’t thought about since it happened. maybe thinking of a girl i dated and trying to think of something about her that isn’t in my long term memory. or my buddy’s house that like 10-12 people hung out at every night for a couple years, i have lots of memories of playing spades or drinking or fighting, but i was there probably 300-400 times over a couple years.

kinda hard to do.

edit: i went to disney world when i was maybe 10. i can remember about 5-6 images. i’ve tried to remember anything else for years and can’t :woozy_face:

I think this would be a really good machine learning app/game

Like, ask some questions, and then use a bunch of prompts and queries to surface memories you haven’t heard in a while.

People flag whether it worked, whether the memory was good or bad, and then this updates the algorithm.

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Sometimes when I’m driving and bored I’ll try to figure out how many days in a row I can remember, starting with yesterday. Like yesterday I watched the Bruins game, Sat I was on a plane, Fri I drove a rental car. Can usually only get like 3 weeks back before there’s a day where I can’t recall a specific memory.

Wild that my brain can’t pull up a memory from 4 Wednesdays ago but I can remember the frost heaves in the driveway of my childhood home from 38 years ago.


I can remember tons of stuff since about age 5. Blessing and a curse.

My son in his 30s says he can’t remember much before he was about 12. He was pretty high energy but was not add (had him tested). Had to keep him 2-3 sports at a time to keep him tired.

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yeah you might have just sent me spiraling haha. i can’t get past last week without taking tricks like “you’re always at the gym mon/tues/wed” or wanting to look at a calendar.

man plug me in!

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Looks like the Red lobsters are all closing :sob: