2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

I want to see how well those chinese aunties doing beastie boys rap would do in eurovision

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Your pony, on the other hand, is definitely not having largescale mainstream success.

@MrWookie , at least yours posted a vid, so he’s got potential


Can someone explain how Australia is in the Eurovision Song Contest? I assume USA could get entries the same way. Is that not the case?

I can say that until this moment I have, in fact, avoided this song.


They asked nicely

That one was everywhere. I’d bet at even money that part of it was in earshot of you at some point in the last 5 yrs.

Well, that doesn’t bode well for 'Murica’s chances of ever entering.

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there’s an episode of today explained a few days ago that (among other things) explains this. I don’t remember what exactly it is but it has something to do with international broadcast TV agreements and I think that the US is not in fact eligible

I also have never heard this before

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Ban PE

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Songs awesome and maneskin is great

Watched it (well more like had it on as background noise) today.

Liked a lot of the acts that did something outside of the sappy ballads and female fronted dance-pop.

My top 10:

  1. Croatia (great song, up there with the runner-up last year)
  2. Ireland (spooky, fun and different)
  3. Norway (WTF at them finishing last)
  4. Armenia
  5. Estonia
  6. Switzerland (liked this okay, so not a travesty that this was the winner, unlike last year)
  7. Finland
  8. Italy
  9. Georgia
  10. Lithuania

he definitely was proudly posting (in his mid-20’s) about picking her up in her high school parking lot. i’m 95% remembering she was a junior.

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thats way more than i put into it. i just call the judges antisemitic when they dont vote for us. also you’re antisemitic for not putting us in the top 10.


Wait, Israel is in this thing too? I assume they also asked nicely.

they owed us one for the holocaust

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Terrible deal, imo. Should have held out for more.

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so many of these ranking videos but i dig the concept here.

Yeah, they did a great job with their cover. But bottom line on Eurovision, you can expect every few years or so that an act makes a meaningful impact on worldwide pop culture, and if you enjoy flamboyant performers, you should probably tune in.