2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

2nd time i got suspended from school it was for pencil-fighting in the bathroom wtf

crazy thing is by the time he actually retired, he was probably already collecting retirement for 25+ years.

They suspended you for pencil fighting? That’s harsh.

i can’t remember why they banned it, maybe too many people hanging out in the bathrooms or broken pencils? but they definitely did. but like, it was in between classes and who tf was i bothering? my dad laughed at me the entire ride home and made me clean out the garage the next day.

I gotta ask what pencil fighting is and why it would be done in a bathroom.

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you hold your pencil horizontal/parallel to the ground, and i flick/snap mine downwards, hopefully through it.

edit to add: looks like their form is pretty good. i say this with credentials, as i have many, many one-hitter quitters.

i’ve also snapped my own pencil putting too much force pulling back sooo… :man_shrugging:t3:


You could put an eye out with that thing!

TMI, bro


If you think that OnlyFan’s creator is messaging you in her DMs, she’s not. It’s probably some dude in The Philippines.

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Ya’ll thought it was just two? Turks and Caicos is like a speed trap but for loose ammo

The Royal Turks and Caicos Islands Police told CBS News an American was arrested at the Howard Hamilton International airport, but they did not provide specifics about the traveller’s identity. The authority said ammunition was discovered inside the tourist’s luggage during a routine security inspection.

The unnamed person is the fifth American to be arrested for bringing ammunition into Turks and Caicos in the last six months, NBC reported


There’s potential for a massive class-action suit here, it seems.

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It’s got me wondering how many “loosies” there are on the average domestic US flight.

How are these people getting through TSA with ammunition? I get patted down half the time for the belt they told me to leave on.

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I saw a poster comment that this just shows how terrible the TSA is because supposedly it should have been caught by them.

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Damn i didn’t know we could leave belts on now, i always remove mine.

We’re like a year or two away from germ theory being banned in classrooms.

“People are seeking raw milk like crazy,” he said, noting that no bird flu has been detected in his herds or in California. “Anything that the FDA tells our customers to do, they do the opposite.”

The surge surprises Donald Schaffner, a Rutgers University food science professor who called the trend “absolutely stunning.”