2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

drone strike

Any of the lawbros know what the law says about booby trapping ones own house with various explosive devices as a defense against criminals* but what actually happens is that a bunch of cops executing a warrant get got.

*Iā€™m not saying this is a wise thing do to, but I figure if it is your own house, you can do what you want within it (at least most things).

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There are some differences depending on the state, but generally itā€™s illegal to set up lethal booby traps. Even in places that allow broad self defense claims, the courts want you to have to make some human judgment about risk rather than just letting you set up something like spring guns or iedā€™s that have a higher risk of taking out innocent folks.


Thanks. I figured you would know.

When you consider that first responders have a legitimate right to break into your house sometimes, it makes sense to outlatw booby traps.

worst neighbor award?

wow that explosion is crazy. :astonished:


Legal or no?


Oh wow that close-up shot of the Water Bandit stepping on that nail fucked me up as a child, thanks for helping me re-live that trauma. Ew man, thatā€™s still gnarly.


You realize the nail didnā€™t really go through Daniel Sternā€™s foot right?

Also I tried to spoiler it and hide details but it kills the gif.

Along those lines, what happens if your pitbull gets the drop on the cop executing a warrant and maims and/or kills him? Assuming the cops donā€™t just shoot you out of spite because you were ā€œreaching for your waistbandā€, what is your criminal and civil exposure?

@Bigoldnit ?

Home Alone is in my top ten movies of all time. Strongly recommend Better Watch Out if you are a fan.

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Media is now reporting that the explosion likely was due to the suspect firing a flare gun from inside the house.

Pretty sure the flare gun has a disclaimer not to do that.

How would that cause that? Iā€™m curious

Depends based on the state, and also fact-specific based on the previous history of the dog and the circumstances of the attack. Generally speaking, the chances of being held liable and the penalties will be greater if the dog had a previous history of attacking people, if the owner had trained the dog to be more vicious, and if the owner had an opportunity to restrain the dog, but didnā€™t do so.

Also, some cities have banned certain breeds, so the courts in those areas will probably impose harsher penalties if the dog was one of the banned types.

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1 & 2 are both excellent. Iā€™ve been watching them during the holidays for over 30 years

What happens is the cop shoots the dog

Probably shoots the dog well before itā€™s a threat, cops love shooting dogs almost as much as they love shooting minorities

I know that usually happens, which is why I specified the following: