2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

This movie is way too weirdly rapey for me.

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Details regarding the explosion.


Arlington County Police spokeswoman Ashley Savage said police received a call about 4:45 p.m. Monday about a flare gun being fired at a home on the 800 block of Burlington Street. Video posted online showed one or two orange flares, of the sort used to summon help or signal an emergency, arcing up into the air around dusk, before settling to the ground. Police later said in a statement that the suspect fired the flare gun 30 or 40 times from his home into the neighborhood.

After that, police tried to execute a search warrant at the house related to the flare gun discharge, Savage said. She said that the person inside declined to cooperate. Police tried to reach the person via telephone and loudspeakers before trying to serve the warrant, officials said.

Neighbors were evacuated as a precaution, said Capt. Nate Hiner of the Arlington County Fire Department. Then, as police approached, the suspect fired several rounds from what authorities described as a firearm inside the home. At about 8:25 p.m., the house exploded.

Home Alone???

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No, Better Watch Out

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Another officer-involved explosion. When will it stop.

The cops shoot an extraordinary number of pet dogs every year, you can look it up, it’s more than you’d expect. I’m sure if a dog bites a cop while he’s serving a warrant you get charged with all kinds of serious offenses.

The whole Defund The Police movement would have more traction if we just popularized this fact instead of trying to persuade suburban soccer moms that cops murdering black people is bad.




I’d like to see a Home Alone remake where the burglars decide at the last moment to rob a different house and Kevin’s family comes home early getting wrecked by all of the traps.


Watch out for hippies and drug your party guests - a party tip from 1960’s America.

She roofied her party guests.

And hated wire hangers.


Not again…



40% of dog deaths are attributable to cops. If you don’t believe me, just google “40% cops”


Kinda shocked no one’s ever managed to chug enough coffee to kill themselves tbh.

I don’t understand, why are they adding this much caffeine to the lemonade? It’s not advertised as an energy drink but it’s got literally twice as much oomph as a Red Bull. It can’t do anything for the flavor, right?

I feel like if you could do that I would have in the old days. I could drink like 3 pots of coffee. But these drinks are equal to like 1 pot of coffee I think, maybe even more.

It’s got 124g of sugar in it too so it likely tastes like sugar lemon water.

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Recent podcast covered why this is dangerous for some but not everyone