2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

lol most of the town names sound AI generated


Hinkley and Johannesburg win for the most real-sounding town names.

Hinkley is known for a groundwater contamination lawsuit that inspired the movie “Erin Brockovich.”




it’s all the ghost towns on the way to Vegas haha

Living in Yermo would be awesome because you could go to Peggy sue’s 50s diner every day!

I’d live in the place with the Alien Beef Jerky store though, that’d be rad. Definitely cheap shacks there.

Yep, you could easily put all of those under that AI yearbook meme list of names.

Not one of those cities is one that any person with even the slightest means would choose to live in.

I would 100% Take 4 years renting a 3K/month place in almost any other CA city than a 150K house in any of those.

Trona is so fucking bad when you type it into google maps, it instead gives you the entirety of Searles Valley

I looked at each and think if I were required to pick one it would be Dorris. At least there’s some legit nature stuff nearby. There’s no way I could live in one of those dead desert towns.

Id probably go with Herlong, as its the closest to an actual city (about an hour from Reno, although fuck Reno)



Dorris and Mcdoel being up near the OR border are probably the most scenic of the two, but you are wayyyyyyyyy the fuck away from civilization

Yeah and the odds of being murdered for being Jewish are probably highest in those areas.

lol @ the pic Google associates with Herlong



Did he just out himself? Hes 37 with 0 children.

Dude better get crackin or the gay is coming for him quickly

He claims to have at least ten children.


Maybe you should only be allowed to eat unfertilized eggs.

Is it possible to have a student protests thread without it becoming another Gaza thread? I guess to ask the question is to answer it, but I feel like Kent State II is just around the bend.

Eggs being unfertilized is what makes the joke fail. It was a good effort, though.

Afaict, the level of tension around the time of Kent State was about 100x greater. People thought they were protesting for their lives against a war prosecuted by their own government. There were deaths during protests at a number of universities and walkouts at about 1000 high schools and 300 universities.

In this case, the administration is generally supportive of the protestors’ broader aim of a cease fire (if that’s how the aim of the protests is understood), but has limited leverage and is not willing to end its relationship with Israel and its own voting base to support a group that still maintains a number of US and Israeli hostages. While there is sympathy for the Palistinians, the sympathy does not override support for Israel, https://wapo.st/44fmhj6. Also, see vote on the recent aid package, 79-18 (with 15 conservative republicans voting against vs 3 dems).

If you ain’t found Jesus stay off the roads April 23rd


