2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

Isnt a 6.9 like twice as strong as a 6.7?

And the 7.4 another 5 times stronger?

Approximately correct. Itā€™s logarithmic. A 7.0 is 10x a 6.0, but in between numbers arenā€™t as simple.


In a mild earthquake it feels like a gentle swaying. Not really frightening at all. Almost feels like a kiddie amusement park ride.

But when a big one hits, itā€™s a different beast altogether. Violent shaking. Feels like the world is about to collapse, because in reality it just might.

And realization of that possibility when youā€™re right in the middle of it is terrifying.

My mom was in Haiti during that 2010 earthquake. She doesnā€™t really talk about it so Iā€™ve never really pushed her on it, but apparently they had to run out into a courtyard while buildings collapsed around them. I cannot imagine how terrified and helpless that would feel.

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Championship Tetris anyone?

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TikTok finance nails it again.

So if youā€™re like in the middle of a cornfield when an Earthquake hits, are you worried at all?

In the middle of a rice field (since thatā€™s what Iā€™d most likely be in the middle of in Japan), no, not really.

Iā€™m dropping on my hands and knees and the only thing Iā€™m worried about is a big crack in the earth forming beneath me and swallowing me whole. And for that to happen it would have to be an absolute monster quake right on the fault line.

But the two big ones Iā€™ve been in, Iā€™ve been inside old houses that could very well collapse on top of me. Thatā€™s the real fear.

lol this has to be an April fools thing.


Or fraud

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Sick burn




This is especially odd because one of my favorite things about Europe was the plentiful access to free public drinking water. In Italy there was free chilled sparkling water in tons of places!

Sparkling water is the worst. Come at me.


Canā€™t. Youā€™re correct.

Itā€™s because youā€™re afraid to drink because itā€™s even harder to find places to pee than in the US.


and the dysentery

The walking point is absolutely correct.

Its also correct that if you ask for tap water with your meal, 95% of European waiters will look at you like you have a third hand sticking out of the top of your head.

Yeah plentiful free drinking water was not a common thing at all in Europe when I lived there. In USA you sit at a restaurant and the server often comes with free water before they even ask if you want it.

In Europe you might be able to get it but you are treated as a total weirdo for asking for tap water instead of paying 6 euro 375ml bottled mineral water

Sparkling water is fantastic BTW.

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I havenā€™t been in a while, but this was the opposite of what I remember.

Can you give a few examples of this?