2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

He was fond of the spank the monkey channel.

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Will i even notice anything in MN? I can’t recall anything about past eclipses. My only memory of them is being in elementary school and wearing a box or something on my head to view it.

I think you’ll still have a partial eclipse.

:point_up: and you’ll get to see the weird leaves shadows


Thinking of an eclipse joke but my brain isn’t really working today. Something-something NYT Pitchbot + Joe Biden has a Total Solar Eclipse Problem - written by Ancient Greek philosopher turned op-ed writer, since they thought eclipses were a bad sign from the Gods.

This crew is good.gif

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If you have eclipse glasses you’ll be able to see the moon pass through and create a little crescent sun. The effects on the ground won’t be that impressive. It will get evening dark, nowhere close to night dark. Viewing in totality doesn’t increase the percentage coverage much but it’s infinitely more cool.

I was going to go up to the Mt. Wilson Observatory for their eclipse event but it’s been canceled due to snow which made the roads impassable. In Los Angeles. SO MUCH FOR GLOBAL WARMING!!!

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I’m driving to little rock the day before and staying overnight (weather forecast also looks questionable). I drove to nashville for the 2017 eclipse and the traffic on the way home (200 miles from nashville to memphis) was brutal (and we hung around nashville for several hours afterwards). It’s usually a 3 hour drive and it took almost 6 IIRC.

my house is 97% coverage, is it worth it to drive ~20 mins and sit in some parking lot somewhere to get totality?

feels like it would be waaay more awesome sitting on my porch than around a bunch of people, but that depends on how much better it is at 100%.

It’s all kind of dumb. Might as well drive the 20 min so you can tell people you got the full monty.

If you’re not the kind of person to ever need/want to talk about it, then hang on your porch for sure.


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Next one in the US is 2044. Prob worth the 20 minute drive for a better experience.


5 hours away. Not gonna do it. Wouldn’t be prudent.

I’ll catch it on the tv


Even better on this I hear




This. I know people who traveled to the brown out eclipse last year who were pretty underwhelmed.