2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

Yeah I was at 90% for the last one. It was slightly shady. Go into a dark room with a bright flashlight and cover all of it. Then let a little sliver of light out. I’m not a space scientist or anything but I imagine that’s the difference between 99 and 100%.

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Money storage facility is a weird name, also it sounds like there was no active guards there by the way the story reports it as a burglary.


Your move, Ring.


Recevied the email below. Cool.

This month your natural gas bill will include a credit of $73.41 identified as the “California Climate Credit.” Your household and millions of others throughout the state will receive this credit on your utility bills.

The California Climate Credit is part of California’s efforts to fight climate change. This credit is from the California Cap-and-Trade Program, which requires power plants, fuel providers, and large industrial facilities that emit greenhouse gases to buy carbon pollution allowances. The credit on your bill is designed to help utility customers during the transition to a low-carbon future.

Prop Hunt irl



don’t need to play the lottery when you’ve already hit it.


It also ignores the fact that people with money blow plenty of cash on other vices.

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Lottery is a tax on the poor

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Have fun getting your eyeballs pecked out.

Dogsitting for my sister. Her neighborhood got smashed absolutely smashed by a storm right before they left for spring break. She lives only 2 miles away from me. Her street looked like a warzone, my street was fine.

Anyways power is back on, but internet isn’t. So I have had to use these weird things called DVDs to entertain myself. Getting up to change disks is a weird feeling, also weird to have the option to have commentary.

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? I skimmed that. Sounds as boring as expected. Birds and other animals just think it’s nighttime briefly.

Microsoft if so awful at everything. Their copilot branding is the nut low. My company rolled out some version of it but I can’t find any information online. I know we don’t have the “full version” which is called 365 sometimes and pro sometimes. The version we have only lives in the browser as a side bar.

Anyone have any idea what the hell the marketing geniuses at Microsoft calls this?

I’d like to learn more about its functionality but I literally can’t search online for it. Tried non-pro, tried copilot in browser, tried free ect. It can’t be free I don’t think as it’s a business.

Such bad marketing.

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My children must learn the ways of their ancestors. We try to spend 3-4 weekends a year in our RV, with spotty campground wifi, often out of cell range. DVDs are the way.

One thing I do miss about VHS is they were much more kid friendly. Give a DVD to a 5 year old and it will be scratched all to hell covered in god knows what substances within a day. But those tapes can take one hell of a beating.



Daily fantasy sports probably evens that out, by itself.

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I made an eclipse thread:


Think I just felt a minor earthquake here in NYC


Never felt one that strong, holy shit that scared the hell out of me.