2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

Not sure how they look in the primary, but a apparently it is a safe Republican lean.

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That means clouds covering 40% of the sky, although this far out itā€™s just a best guess so you could also read it as the approximate chances the forecast is even accurate. The NWS publishes forecast discussions that can get pretty technical but a layperson should be able to pick up enough to figure out whatā€™s driving the forecast and how much confidence there is in various aspects of it. Hereā€™s the link for southern IN: Text Products for AFD Issued by IND

It looks like thereā€™s a possibility for clear skies. That link should pull in the most current discussion if you leave it open in a tab and refresh.

I was thinking of going to that area to see it. Iā€™ve got Sunday and Monday off but itā€™s an 8 hour drive each way. Dealing with eclipse traffic on top of that makes me learn towards no, especially if itā€™s going to be cloudy.

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Even w clouds itā€™s gonna be cool as shit in the path of totality. Itā€™s still gonna go dark and weird.

Iā€™m also in the path of totality (northern Vermont). Itā€™s nuts here. Spare bedrooms going for over $1000 for the night. Traffic is going to be a nightmare.

Friend of mine asked if he could stay for it back in like 2017. Seems like good planning.

Also, does anyone have an eclipse related trivia team name that I can suggest for tonight?

Best I can think of at the moment is ā€œSunā€™s Out, Puns Outā€.


I teach an 8am class on Monday and will be driving home afterwards. Iā€™m wondering how long itā€™s going to take me to do that normally 25 minute drive.

My wife has apparently been saving glasses since 2017, so I guess being a hoarder pays off sometimes?

I assume they are buying you a nice dinner?

Does this mean we wonā€™t have AI-generated AMWF porn in the future?

You bet your ass it is! Raptors <3 <3

Im bring a buzzkill, but my first thought on any influencer stuff like this is ā€œ100% fakeā€

All things serve the beam

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I very nearly did this as my hometown and parents live smack dab in the middle of totality and about 25 miles from Vincennes, coincidentally enough. Traffic will definitely be very bad. I know a lot of schools in the area are not in attendance for the day because they expect very bad traffic and a terrible school bus experience for the kids.

Maybe donā€™t go all the way into Vincennes. Find a small township outside the city or stay a little on the outskirts so you can get out quickly. Another piece of advice is to devise an alternative route home that avoids interstates and the major highways. Eventually all the main paths will fill with cars and Waze may be able to avoid most of the traffic for you, but the country roads in a lot of Indiana are these nicely uniformed squares that are extremely easy to navigate. You may have to take a few gravel roads or double back a few times, but that may be more fun than sitting in traffic for hours on end.

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Turn Around Bright Skies

  • The Shady Bunch
  • We Came, We Saw, We Blocked the Sun

For reasons I canā€™t articulate, I get a NY Times newsletter email each day. Todayā€™s subject: The 100 best restaurants in New York City, ranked by Pete Wells

I glance at the body for deleting it:


A subsequent email 2 1/2 hours later:


Good job, good effort.


I had a hanging folder tabbed ā€œastronomyā€ and there were two pairs of glasses in there from 2017

Why is there a monkey torture network? Is that the channel Trump was trying to get on his TV in the White House?


Extreme enthusiasm for The Barry Lutz Show.

Yeah, Iā€™ll be in TX, too. Taking the girls out of school. And the forecast is for 86% cloud cover and potentially thunderstorms during the peak. Shit, man. Next one in America isnā€™t until 2044.

My house (in Ohio) is 5-10 miles from absolute zero for the eclipse. I think I get just shy of 4 minutes of totality. Forecast here is showing 60% cloud cover. But yea all the nearby towns have been warning for weeks to stock up before the weekend because everything is going to be overrun for a few days.

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