2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

I don’t have any opinion about @suzzer99 's posted videos. I would be more likely to trust his recommendation than a random YouTube algo. Having said that, I have a built in bias against podcast-style content. I think that humans are hard wired to find “secret knowledge” narratives appealing, and commercially oriented people are incentivized to lean into that. The bulk of podcast style interviewer/interviewee “wellness” content capitlizes on this by presenting the interviewee as having some special knowledge - with this One Neat Trick, you too can improve your wellbeing! It’s just too much work for me to parse the bullshit and find the good stuff. In fact, the effort feels more like wading through an ocean of bullshit to find the occasional gem. No thanks.


“Full of rat poison and with herpes” just means my man Flaco was living the standard swinging singles lifestyle in NYC.


Why are we drug testing the owls, what the heck.

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Same. Spending a bunch of time trying to find every tiny edge that could possibly extend your lifespan seems like a fool’s game to me.

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Was Flaco the Owl elite?


If we continue coddling the owls, they will never pull themselves up by their bootstraps.


At least death spared him from having to try to convince Mrs. Flaco that it’s possible to catch pigeon herpes from sitting on an infected toilet seat.


I wrote this.



Reading the “The Confederate Flag is my flag” 4CHAN trolls are funny because you can tell they’ve tried to think of all the arguments against the Confederacy and thought of troll responses to them like “The Confederacy was full of bigots” “Well actually they had the first Native American general. The were low key progressive for the time.” but then they always bring in the ADL as conspiring against them and it’s like, you just couldn’t help yourself could you? You were almost there. Some people just can’t commit to the bit 100%

I do the same. It’s possible people have been dropping dead for the thousands of years people have been fasting, but I’m not ready to freak out over this study. I glanced at the linked article and, for one thing, it’s based on self-reported data, which is generally not great quality.




Like I’d get it if whatever small edge is proven to expand your lifespan, sure, but it’s just that all these small edges are mostly unproven pseudoscience bullshit pushed by people who have a financial incentive to make money off clicks, and teach you that one special trick!

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Pretty strong smack down

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Not to re-litigate all this, but Attia is a notch above this guy at least. Attia spends most of his time asking experts in their field questions, not spouting his own stuff. He rarely puts forward his own theories unless it’s about something like rucking or deer hunting that he’s into. He doesn’t really pitch any products. And he’s a doctor who still sees patients, which seems to keep him relatively grounded.

His AMAs are a little different. He does go into whatever he’s into. But he qualifies it like crazy and still doesn’t push any products afaik, or if he does it’s pretty light. I don’t listen to the AMAs. I’m more interested in the guests.

hell yeah


What does it do you couldn’t do with a glass of water, squeeze pouch, and a spoon?

I also wonder if you could just use your Juicero to make Numilk instead of buying a silly piece of junk you’ll never use.


I watched that while sitting on the toilet.

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I like nut milk, but I love nut cheese.