2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

Peter Attia, not Huberman.

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He said he doesnā€™t fast any more and mentioned something about the benefits possibly not being worth it.

He admitted to drinking some on a recent podcast. Not sure where the raging alcoholic thing is coming from.

I guess I just donā€™t even understand the need for ā€œcutting edge info on health and exerciseā€ Like I get it for the maybe 1% of the fitnessbro population, but for middle aged dudes, nahh, the science is already out there. Whatever ā€œBrand New Cutting Edge Science Program to Increase Your Fitness Edgeā€is most likely grifter material.

Edit: I have actually never listened to this guy.

And also people in social media make it sound 100% credible that juice cleans will clear your gut biome

Or intermittent fasting will have all sorts of amazing benefits

Or dunking yourself in cold water will be the best improvement to your life.

I just canā€™t imagine taking any of these people seriously without years, decades of hard proof.

So Iā€™m not sure why youā€™d trust THAT GUY out of the tens of thousands or whatever people to trust your health with. Sure the Covid skeptic has in mind whatā€™s best for you :thinking::man_shrugging:


Maybe not an alcoholic, but does drink despite the ā€œscienceā€ and also admitted to being prone to fits of rage.something Huberman was also characterized as being.

It appears this field of influencer attracts a type.

Itā€™s hard to tell what fits of rage mean in the context he mentions it. I mean weā€™ve all blown our tops. I donā€™t think heā€™s talking about anything that could send him to jail.

Never being able to have a drink is a shittier life outcome for a lot of people, regardless of the health detriment.

This is the first episode I listened to and what pulled me in.

Sapolsky is a renowned neuroscientist. I got a lot of good takeaways from this about the effects of stress on long term health, and it was just really interesting.

Hereā€™s a podcast where he did a deep dive into the guy who started the whole ā€œvaccines cause autismā€ claim (full debunking obviously).

Some really interesting stuff in this one from a guy whoā€™s a gym bro but also has a PHD and certainly seems to know his shit. Yeah Iā€™m a middle-aged non-peak-performing guy at the gym. But it still helps to have an idea of the right approach vs. the wrong approach, and also itā€™s super motivating to hear how much building muscle contributes to your long term health.

Thereā€™s a couple dozen more episodes that I got a lot out of. Not all of them are bangers, and lately it seems like most arenā€™t. But the good ones are really good.

Thatā€™s 7 hours of videos. I guess could you summarize what is so groundbreaking in that 7 hours that wasnā€™t already common knowledge before this guy figured out a whole bunch of stuff before the rest of the scientific community?

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No one cares that you listen to this guy. On the podcast grifter scale he seems relatively harmless tbh. The problem is that you are trying to sell him based on:

Which seems not fully rooted in reality imo. A 5 minute google search turns up all kinds of problematic things. The guy is a podcast grifter though so what should we expect. If you are entertained by it or get useful information out of it honestly more power to you. I listened to Rogan 8 years ago or whatever and have listened to other problematic podcasters Iā€™m sure at times so Iā€™m not trying to slam you for listening to it. Iā€™m just saying he has some kind of shitty and wacky ideas to be someone you base important life choices on.

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Iā€™m not going to put together a sales pitch, just pointing a few examples of how I got more out of the podcast than just gym bro stuff.

Itā€™s not that heā€™s figuring stuff out before the scientific community, heā€™s literally talking to the scientists on the cutting edge who are figuring the stuff out. Iā€™m sure if you wanted to subscribe to all the latest journals and stay up on all the latest findings, you could get the same info.

80% of the podcast is just him asking his guests, who again are top scientists in their fields, tons of questions. But really good questions, and in a deep-dive format where you can actually pick up nuance and complexity. And not coming from a dipshit like Rogan who doesnā€™t have a clue how science works. If you listen to 10 minutes of the Sapolsky podcast youā€™ll understand what Iā€™m talking about (maybe skip past the introductions).

He might mention his crazy fasting or whatever, but thatā€™s not the thrust of the podcast, and not what I get out of it.

Well now youā€™re just leaving me hanging, either I have to listen to this guy talk for 7 hours or subscribe to the ā€˜latest journalsā€™. Damn Iā€™m getting some real fomo here.

Edit: I misread Iā€™ll listen to the Sapolsky podcast

Edit 2: The self flagellation is just so so difficult to get past.

So apparently a lot of bodily functions shut down in response to being in high stress.

WTF does this have to do with your workouts?

This feels like some sort of weird attempt to science away the fact your workouts are not as effective as you hoped.

Iā€™ve already said I sometimes watch his videos and have gleaned insights from them. And my offhand post wasnā€™t meant as a character assassination. Heā€™s not perfect. Iā€™m not perfect. Youā€™re not perfect. Itā€™s all OK.

Just a flippant comment that the longevity influencers seem to all be a certain type of character. Didnā€™t mean to start a long thread about it.

Tapping out now. Sorry for any confusion.


I have about 40 podcasts in my feed, youā€™re missing out. You could do Revolutions, the Noah Smith Podcast, Chris Hayes, Decoding the Gurus, Know Your Enemy, Knowledge Fight, Ezra Klein, Historiansplaining, Iron Culture for exercise, etc. The last episode of Robinson Erhardtā€™s podcast had Daniel Dennett, Sean Carroll, and Steven Pinker all on together, Robinson Erhardt. Stuff with Brad Schoenfeld for science-informed exercise/weightlifting. Also, Stronger By Science.

There are a lot of good podcasts, some on quite niche topics like Babalonian history.

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Get some exercise, do other stuff in moderation. There, thatā€™s the current state of the art. Also, try to get 7+ hours of sleep. If you want big muscles and donā€™t care about your health, do steroids or testosterone replacement.

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Sapolsky is pretty good, but he has some controversial views that are addressed a bit in episode 200 (Dennett, Pinker, Carroll) of Robinsonā€™s Podcast I mentioned.

Almost all longevity people seem to have psychological issues. Some are grifters, some are messed up. They need to get over themselves. I find it amusing when they perish from their methods, like from diseases from blood transfusions.

Definitely not. Sheā€™s quite left-leaning.

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Aw shit.

I donā€™t always go 16/8 (sometimes more 14/10) but I still do it. To be fair, most of that fasting window is sleeping. Basically, I just donā€™t eat breakfast in the morning but still.


Sorry, itā€™s been nice knowing you though.

(I have the oppo. I munch constantly throughout the day. Prolly not the best idea either.
