2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

Letting the user see the Numilk-making process is a key part of the appeal of this product.

I got an e-mail with the subject line “Gentle Reminder.” Fuck off.

Ask them to say “Do Your Fucking Training” next time…

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I wish i had the balls to sell powdered milk and a blender at a massively inflated pricepoint


Just as well. The beetlejuice blender™ doesn’t seem destined to be a big seller.


It wasn’t even a work e-mail just a general e-mail blast from somewhere that was of no concern to me. But that subject line was real aggressive for having the word “gentle” in it.

Yikes, that’s almost like someone titling an email with “We regret to inform you” and having it be that a lunch got cancelled.

When I tell my partners about a meeting we have coming up, it’s a gentile reminder.


Can someone explain the pdiddy allegations? I know he got raided but what is going on?

Recently, he has been hit with a series of civil lawsuits alleging sexual abuse that included underage individuals and people who were not voluntarily participants (they were drugged, coerced, etc). I don’t think criminal charges have been filed, but, because of the civil cases, most of the speculation about the raids has focused on possible sex trafficking. I’d also think drug and financial crimes could be in play, all tied up with a nice little RICO bow.

[And, if you really want fun speculation, there have always been rumors that Diddy was involved in the Tupac murder, but I’d be shocked if these raids were related to that]

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does that include wine?

Including wine. Here’s Peter Attia talking about it. Wine is mentioned about halfway through.

And here’s Ladies Man Huberman also talking about the damaging effects of alcohol.

Worth at least listing to and considering, IMO.

Ha. I got a cold prospect email that asked for feedback

“Yes. You’ve sent me 14 unsolicited emails without any response or encouragement from me. My feedback is to stop sending me emails.”

Lot of talk about this article

This is the guy we should be looking to for longevity advice.

Another of these articles that make no sense. Screams Karen from word 1 to word last. When’s the divorce

She’s definitely sleeping with her golf/tennis pro

Deep OOT cut incoming



Her parents are of course right-wing Catholic psychos, mom was a Desantis appointee

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