2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

I don’t think he is right wing. He just fancy’s himself non-pc in the 90s way. I’d bet a lot he votes democratic every election. Zero chance he votes trump imo.

Any public statements or tweets where he says this?

I don’t follow his twitter so don’t know. I could be wrong but would bet on it based on following him closely for a long time. He mocks Matusow for his MAGA stuff often for example.

Wouldn’t put any money on what living in Vegas for decades might do to you brain. It’s a very peculiar place.

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He’s more libertarian-ish anti-woke and wants to be permitted to be an asshole when he feels like being one.

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That’s a closer description. He is also thoughtless with respect to some social justice issues. But he isn’t MAGA or right wing.

In the modern American political climate, someone like him is effectively an ally or at least an enabler of MAGA.


This is essentialist thinking. If we assume he votes Democrat, generally aligns with most of their policies but has anti-woke and libertarian tendencies he is not an ally of MAGA. That makes every centrist in America an ally of MAGA. MAGA represents the extreme right wing.

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In the modern spectrum, I think almost all self proclaimed centrists in the US are allied to maga. I can’t even define a modern day American centrist besides someone who is right wing leaning but does like the label.


By this definition Clinton, Romney. Cheney, Rice ect are MAGA.

The center is small but everyone who is right of this forum isn’t MAGA.


modern libertarianism is just “well off white guy doesn’t want to be told what he can or can’t do”.


That’s the best definition I’ve seen. Well played. I’m stealing this.

i certainly didnt come up with it myself, so feel free. i also like the house cat analogy that people post from time to time. how libertarians are like house cats completely convinced of their own independence while completely dependent on a system they neither appreciate nor understand.


Apropos, this popped up in my feed tonight.


Might not make it to the end of the year. Will replacements will have technical background? :man_shrugging:

You can’t kill the 5G pedophile nanobots by composting, you have to burn it. It’s just common sense.

I think he thinks that he sounds smart. Like people will be awed by his insights into the world.

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This feels like the pre-Covid “Is Joe Rogan Right or Left?” debate.

(I don’t follow DN so I can’t speak to the specifics of what he posts and how much of a following he has in 2024 anyway)

If you are a public figure and/or have a following and the vast majority of your political rants feature right-wing talking points it’s not really all that relevant where exactly the totality of all your positions places you on a spectrum.


An overwhelming feature of conservative policy narratives is that the people they don’t like just shouldn’t exist. See, if the undesirable people didn’t exist then we would have no problems. Policy is actually very simple and liberal nonsense about data and science and observable facts is all a big misdirection to distract you from how easy policy actually is.

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We’ll see if the MBA’s continue to have enough power to replace them or not…