2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

Now, meditate on why this line lands as a scathing indictment of libertarianism….

Supposedly the guy doing the new CEO search is Steve Mollenkopf, who is an engineer, fwiw.

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I mean, he’s right



Let me guess. He picks himself in the proud tradition of Dick Cheney.

The outgoing guy said they want somebody with aerospace experience. Mollenkopf is an EE (former CEO of Qualcomm). He doesn’t meet all the requirements, unless he’s hiding his light under a bushel.

I never would have guessed Tommy Chong was this good at math.


And he even made time for romance as well.



This is exactly right. The only actual solution is raising up the economies of Latin America.

Hope for her sake she had some side pieces.

So ya, Huberman seems like a POS.


Bout to read this, had it on my list today

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Ha I was just listening to a comedy podcast where they were saying that for a couple of years if a woman heard a man use therapy speak they could let their guard down because if he was in therapy he was working on bettering himself and part of bettering yourself is respecting others, but then men glommed onto it so now manipulators learned to use therapy speak to manipulate, dominate, etc. The example they used what Jonah Hill and his ex


Ugh holy shit this is a major bridge, one of the bigger incidents in recent US maritime history


The extent of the damage to the bridge is not immediately clear, the New York Times said.

It looks fairly clear.

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There’s definitely a lot of cars on that bridge from the video I’ve seen. Holy fuck.

Yeah I saw a headline that said partially collapsed. Very much a “technically the truth” situation.

The main span and all the major supporting spans are long gone.


have that many people been to therapy to recognize it or did they just learn from tik tok?

Thanks Biden

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I started a dedicated thread, seems like an incident that will warrant one.

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Ah shit, the girl I’m dating loves this guy’s podcasts.