2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

Beginning in January 2025, the law will allow residents, local business owners and the state attorney general to file a lawsuit to stop any city or county from allowing the homeless to camp or sleep on public property.

The state Department of Children and Families will oversee local governments that set up designated areas for the homeless to camp for up to a year.

Anyone using those encampments would be prohibited from using alcohol or illegal drugs, with sanitation and security to be provided.

The encampments would be created if local homeless shelters reach maximum capacity, according a news release from the governor’s office. The law requires regional entities to provide necessary behavioral treatment access as a condition of a county or city creating an encampment.

So they are going to create tent cities with services? What happens at the end of the year if homeless shelters are still filled up?

If they had their way the same thing that happens at most animal shelters.

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This seems like a case of fuckingaquaman?.gif

How much money will Florida spend to jail these people, and how much more will that cost than providing housing?

That’s definitely one plan, but to get max value I’d think you’d need both a decent starting bankroll and something to live off of while you wait for the stocks to blow. Transaction costs for stocks were much higher back then, so day trading wasn’t as easy or lucrative. There might be a few days where you could make big bets and get in and out quickly (like short selling before the '87 crash), but if the plan is to HODL a bunch of Apple or Berkshire stock, I’d want some other short term plan to make money so I can let the longer plays ride.

I am still laughing about trying to get people to be my sports betting beard because I come from the future and I am pretty sure I remember the year the SuperSonics won the championship.

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Is that when you hide your sports betting by pretending to give money to your beard? Or is your beard someone who swears up and down you don’t bet on sports?

The former. There may be some special term for that, but I am out of date on gambling lingo. Cover is more important for sports betting than it is for blackjack imo.

I assume legal bookies are covered the same way casinos are against card counters? Essentially “we can refuse service to anyone and you’re too good for us” rule?

Yes, sadly advantage bettors do not yet have discrimination protection. But the arc of the moral universe bends towards justice imo.

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Yeah its such a scam. Its essentially legal discrimination

Hickory dickory dock. WOAHH

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And what happens to those drinking and drugging


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clearly AI


I hope these people are having their scones checked for polonium

She and Chuck are getting a BOGO chemo special.

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I’m like 8/10ths sure this is one of thosr things bubbling up from the right wing fever swamp.

I’ve seen right wing commentators talking about ‘insane progressive policies’ as the cause of this or that squatting related stuff and then it turns out it’s a fake story or some rule that’s been around for 60 years

Yep, Ive found a great way to tell whats at the top of the chud’s grievance list is just to find out what Daniel Negreanu is tweeting about.

Motherfucker is crushing 2024 and all he can tweet about is right wing greivance after right wing greivance. Its absurd.

So of course yesterday he was bitching about squatters for some reason.

You can get rid of the squatters by killing all the landlords.


Homeless tents: Bad
Sleeping on streets: Bad
Squatting: Bad

It’s almost like they want poor people to quietly die or something.