2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

These trad guys have a sex fetish that they think is a lifestyle fetish. They don’t want to actually move to Wisconsin and live the trad lifestyle, they just want to watch pretty girls in dresses bake stuff on tik tok.


50 years into the future AINEC

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I am going into the past so I can meet up with the young me and advise them not make the same mistakes I made and pick the 100 million instead. Win-win imo.


Going back 50 years would mean my kids never exist. Going forward 50 would mean missing their lives. $100M please.


Let’s say you can bring your nuclear family.

All friends and other family members are gone then, too.

$100 million, thanks.

I’m picking the middle door even if it was labeled $0.


Guy who wrote American History X started with this story and just had to alter it slightly to make it not boring

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This is my thought process as well. If I am able to go back with my current knowledge AND my actions don’t somehow change the future, then the Biff idea is the way to go

Worst part of my life has been watching tons of sports just to see who wins. Want a chance to do that without all the resultant anxiety.

There is a reason no one watches sports on tape.

I’m very skeptical that going back in time with a sports almanac and sports betting would be a fulfilling journey. At least, I don’t understand how that is better than $100M landing in my lap today.


Going back to get rich just seems like choosing the mystery box.


There could be other valid reasons for going back but if you want to be rich just take the money.


Going forward would be fun to see if Apple figured out the Apple Vision, but other than that would be awful. No friends, probably no transferrable skills, probably no money, you’d have to hope there is a strong social safety net…

The only possible way I take the “go back 50 years” option is if I could turn back my age clock, too (though I wouldn’t be born yet). Going back 50 years and living my last few decades (fingers crossed) without my family AND all the tech/creature comforts I enjoy now would be awful. At least give me a life do-over.

But even then, I’d take the $100 million.

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entire discussion is predicated on how long you have to live. complete bs of a question.

if middle is $0 and going back 50 years means i land in 1974 as an 18-year old, i’m gonna be real tempted to become the richest person in the history of the world.

i have no kids and while i have some people that i’m partial to, the future 2024 will be a much, much better place once i start deploying the influence that humanity’s first trillion dollar investor can buy.

pretty sure i could affect everything from global warming to netflix cancelling mindhunters after 2 seasons.


as long as you keep your memories, it’s basically a lock you’ll become the richest person ever. and as the richest person ever who also knows exactly what is fucked up about 2024, think about how much you can fix.

Not taking $100M seems insane, unless you have a terminal illness and your only hope is to jump to the future to see if they have a cure.

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Three Doors
  • Replay the Past (City on the Edge of Forever) Door
  • Show Me the Money Door
  • Take Me to the Future Door
  • May Monty Hall Rot in Hell
0 voters