2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

  1. This sort of reasoning will result in kids getting hand jobs before even kissing the girl.
  2. Obvious
  3. This sort of reverse racism is even worse than regular racism, because it involves Black people getting an advantage over white people instead of the other way around, like God intended.

Black people need something like casinos for Native Americans. So make weed, shrooms and other soft drugs legal nationwide, but only fully black-owned (none of this silent partner crap) businesses are allowed to sell them.

Existing white-owned weed places can be grandfathered in. But no new ones.



It’s such common knowledge that there’s no need to mention it.

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Not doing so should be punishable by death. Was at one of my favorite sushi joints yesterday and had to yank the tails off of my steamed shrimp nigiri. Totally ruins the experience!



Definitely not the black door. 50 years in the future could really, really suck —- nuclear winter, freakish heat waves, the USA could be like Russia is now, world unrest, war over migration. So, $100M it is.

If its 500 years in the future then…nope still $100M.

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50 years in the past you could become Biff and get rich really quick. Assuming you stay in the same timeline. '74 was a pretty fun time. Take your winnings and head to Studio 54. Or follow Led Zeppelin around. Just don’t hook up with your Mom.

I’d be so tempted to do 50 years in the future out of curiosity. But not knowing anyone would suck. And no easy way to get rich. However, if you’re allowed to put all your money in stonks and collect it when you get there, that could work.

I also feel like if you give me $100M, I’ll be miserable in 5 years. I’ll have a bunch of fake friends and people who kiss my ass. I’ll fall in love with a few hookers and Ukrainian underwear models who I think really like me. But that won’t end well. I guess I’ll start giving a lot of it away. That might work. I’m still pretty sure I’d be lonely as hell.

Easiest $100M ever.


I’d take the money, but I’d at least think about who I would assassinate if I could go back in time 50 years.

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I saw this tonight walking home and wondered what it was. By the time I saw it, it was a lot curlier than this picture. It was lit up from below and looked really weird.

This is what I saw. I guess it was so high it was still illuminated by the setting sun or something.

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jesus christ people are dumb as shit


That is all because white people suck.

We just grow the corn and soy here, what the fuck do you want? Adventure? Go to LA or something.

Dude wants to get laid.


Do people like that not hear how big of an asshole they sound like?


Kind of sounds like he is just talking to irl people for the first time imo.