2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

All these word are fine and have good spots they can be used. Wouldn’t have pegged UP as a hotbed of grumps who want to dumb language down.

To whom are you referring?


For the record, I’m not for eradicating any of them, I’m merely observing that British people say some of these words a lot. Sorry if that was unclear.

I use bloke a lot too for that reason. Solid word. We need to steal that one.


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Well, if it helps, I still say “math”.

But I’ll accept “maths”.

When did everybody start saying “university” instead of “college”? This used to be America.

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That’s news to me.

Don’t love it but I’ll let it slide. If they start saying “uni”, that’s going too far.

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Whomst does it suck?

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I blame DeVry…

This country has massive mental health challenges that we just don’t talk about.


I would also burn my bedroom if my in-laws shit in it, bucket or no.


I have so many questions!

I’m not necessarily expecting a future of no indoor plumbing, but if it happens I really think I will get the shitting-in-a-bucket thing down right away. Don’t think this is something where I need years of practice.


It’s a simple story, regular American old people get radicalized by YouTube and become conspiracy nutjobs and now they poop in buckets.

The smell of burning poop … wonder why they’re burning instead of composting.

Someone collecting their poop for nefarious purposes?

I just noticed that the original tweet was sent from Twentynine Palms, which is a very dark sunny place. Also the location of my best live tournament finish ever!

I hardly ever hear people mention that Alphabet/Google owns YouTube, which is weird to me.

I came up with some brilliant ideas over the weekend and am looking for constructive compliments:

  1. I saw a left handed kid throwing a baseball with an adult and got sad that 3B, SS, and 2B are not positions that he’ll get to play. So, something, something sometimes the runners need to advance clockwise not always counter-clockwise. Still working on the details.

  2. There is no reason for the tailshells to still be on shrimp in pasta or other dishes. Make it the standard that the tailshells are removed.

  3. It’s going to be hard to get widespread buy-in for reparations. But one thing that occurred to me was that if I was an African-American and I was discriminated against, redlined, terrified if I was pulled over whilst driving by a cop,…that I would be angry that I had to pay the same amount of taxes as white people. I’m not and my ancestors weren’t treated like first class citizens, why do I have to pay taxes like I’m a first class citizen? So reparation tax-breaks for African-Americans.