2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

In all seriousness, characters playing dumber than they are supposed to be as an excuse to explain things to an audience that is dumber than the writer hoped it would be is a writing crutch that will persist until the end of humanity.

lol, just saw Hilldawg doing a commercial for a new Broadway musical called Suffs

Locals arenā€™t happy about Hamsterdam, SF.

Cheapest studio apartment in the Tenderloin is still like ~$400k.


The underlying permise of his show, and the explicit message of many talks he used to give, was the whole ā€œno one wants to work anymoreā€ trope. He was always approaching it from the side of capital, not labor.


I donā€™t think that was the underlying premise of Dirty Jobs at all, maybe a minor side theme. He was literally showing people who wanted to work dirty, hands-on jobs. The show was pretty uplifting imo, and fascinating to see all these jobs that us office drones donā€™t even realize exist. Also living vicariously through someone who does the nasty stuff Iā€™d never want to do.

He also was big into promoting the trades and promoted a lot of stuff to help people into them, which is laudable imo. I worked on his mikeroweworks website way back in the day. I set up his VBB forum site and pinned his letter to a kid who might or might not finish his Eagle Scout to the top of the forum, which is actually how I became a fan. The message hits a little differently now that Mike has kind of made a heel turn. But at the time I was impressed at how much time he put into it for some random fanā€™s kid. I started watching the show after that.

He just got bit with the FoxNews bug somewhere along the line. Checking his website now, his message is a lot grumpier and pissed off than back in the day. But it seems like heā€™s still doing a lot of good giving out trade scholarships.

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I think I first knew Mike was who he was was when he used to go on Adam carollaā€™s podcast and commiserate on society going to hell.

But I havenā€™t listened to Adam in over ten years.

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itā€™s uplifting as long as those people working the dirty, hands-on jobs donā€™t complain or question the way society is organized


When SAG struck the commercial contract in 2000 Mike Rowe crossed the picket line with a quickness, I remember that much. Kurt Warner as well.

No matter how society is organized, someone will have to maintain the sewers. At least until we have robots for that.

ā€œWhomā€ is such a useless word. Causes so much confusion and adds nothing. Just makes you sound snooty if spoken. It should be abolished.

I bet in 100 years itā€™s gone from the language. Unless the Brits are keeping it alive.

Brits still saying things like whilst and maths today

Also amongst.

Maths is completely defensible, imo.

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Whilst is a fun word though. Whom just sucks.

Read the pledge and that should tell you all you need to know.

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How many times does ā€œwhilstā€ appear in your book?

Yeah Mike Rowe has been shit for as long as I can remember.

For Who Da Bell Tolls




I use whereupon a lot. I blame this forum for that.

Our robots create art, handle customer service, and work the police beat now. People are the ones who maintain sewers and haul garbage.

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