2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune


Yglesias got played so hard by this dude


Either way, we’re seeing serious problems. I don’t see how Boeing’s CEO survives this mess.

Edit: To clarify, I mean problems underlying this rash of incidents.

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Boeing’s issue isnt variance. It’s failure of qa/qc and management. Untied’s seems like variance until there is evidence to the contrary.

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lol @ “come out as a Republican” buddy, that’s like when Liberace came out as being gay.


Re: #12 I think/hope Matt Levine is too smart to get pulled into this bullshit. As for #11, I wish I could say the same for Michael Lewis.



Is anyone still living under the illusion that their personal data is secure & protected?

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“They know we cant prove it”

Funny how that works, isnt it.


Thanks Grammarly, I’m ok.


Not sure if Waze still does this, but it used to suggest destinations based on learned routines. Sometimes it would be like “Are you going to therapy?” and I thought it would be funny if after I said “No” it would say “Don’t you think it might be a good idea to go to therapy?”

This was funnier in my head fwiw.


I saw this toolbag (www.therealjordanhenry.com) in person for the first time today. My son’s best friend lives across the street from him and I encountered him both while picking up and dropping off said friend.

Pretty anticlimactic. Wasn’t going to yell at him with my son and his friend in the car, and probably wouldn’t have done it if I was alone either. He’s a nothing person and it probably would’ve thrilled him to be yelled at by a rando. When I encounter him while counter-protesting at a school board meeting I think I will feel differently (if I go that route, I haven’t decided).

I don’t think it does but I remember it doing this (all too well). I had a partner at the time who I became highly suspicious of cheating. At one point I had an idea of who she was going to see and when. I confronted her about it and she was like “no!” and I was like “OK so you can show me your waze history and it won’t show any trips to this dude’s house?” She seemed pretty confident that she could, maybe she was good about deleting them, but when she opened waze it was like “are you going to your side dude’s house?” and I was like :vince3:


lol consultants






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Got some footage from the RFK campaign headquarters:

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Mike Rowe used to be one of my TV heroes. But it seems like he’s been headed down the grumpy right-wing-adjacent path lately.

I love this scene but the thing that has always bugged me is that Jared doesnt understand what mean jerk time means. Hes a brilliant enginner/math guy/businessman that was Gavin’s right hand man for a while. He would absolutely be able to parse what Dinesh says when he says Mean jerk time.