2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

One time to lolJets

Considering the United story right above that post, it seems like it’s two times to lol jets.


“skyrocketing” conversions to christianity, which is still at 1.5%? :suspension_railway:

I am pleased to report that the second part of my post above may be incorrect. As the count has continued Telly’s lead has increased and Neda has somehow pulled slightly ahead. Not sure how much is left to count, but Neda has gained vote share every day. Of course the lunatics are crying “rigged!”.

For your amusement, here is amateur romance novel author Aneta

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Do we have a laugh at Eric Adams thread?



which of course reminds me of a quote from my very close friend LBJ:
“Ford’s economics are the worst thing that’s happened to this country since pantyhose ruined finger-fucking.”


Based AF


In all seriousness, one of the things that becomes abundantly clear when you listen to Rodgers talk long enough is that he doesn’t know what he doesn’t know, and he’s more than happy to continue not knowing it. He sees so much of the world through the lens of someone who has never had to get in the muck and deal with reality.

His “common sense” ideas have occurred to everyone, but he lacks the grounding to understand why they’re not in place, not to mention who is responsible for that. And he presumes that it means everyone else must be dumber than him, rather than concluding that he needs to educate himself further. Not to mention it becomes clear that while he appreciates being able to “question things,” he very clearly focuses that skepticism on specific areas and not others. He truly embodies the “college sophomore problem.”

If nothing else, living your life as if EVERYTHING is a conspiracy just sounds depressingly exhausting.

It really is exhausting. No idea what the author is talking about with the college sophomore problem though. The link seems to say it’s not a problem.

You were on 2+2 during the reign of the Libertarians/Anarchocapitalists, right? “College sophomore problem” means that someone’s depth of knowledge on poltiics, law, and society is about where Borodog and Neilsio were in 2004.

These hustler huckster stories are always fascinating to me because I know I’m incapable of that combination of charisma and shamelessness, though oddly this guy seems to apologize to everyone he rips off, only to just do it to the next person


How did this play out? I tried to find the results but no luck. I think the nut might have won but I can’t find confirmation.

As expected, Neda (the non crazy) has had the edge in mail-in ballots. She has steadily made up ground and as of yesterday’s count is up around 200 votes. It’s not over yet, but it’s looking good. You can imagine how the lunatics are reacting.


Well, that’s good news but sad it’s such a close race.

If they are going to complain about rigging, they I fully support yessaian’s comment from the 3rd screenshot…

“Beautifully rigged. Not voting anymore”.

More of this, please.

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True, but Aneta was somewhat under the radar. I do believe that a solid portion of her voters didn’t really know the deal. In the other race where the particulars were better known we did better.

I absolutely HATE the cultural element of this. Many people are trying to turn this into Armenian vs. non-Armenian which is 1) not true and 2) disgusting.

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8 posts were merged into an existing topic: Local elections

Ya it’s almost certainly just variance.

Only america should be able to do this


If the Chinese get their hands on my taste for narrated animal videos we will be in some serious danger.


Do you want creepy-ass Chinese communist party members watching your teenager’s tik tok dances? Only decent upright Americans like Steve Mnuchin should be watching those.