2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

We are to blame for climate change.

We are.



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I had a realization that young earth creationism and other similar views are just forms of radical skepticism, which is the view that all empirical data may deceive us so that we can never be sure of the truth about the external world using our sense. One of the most well-known examples of radical skepticism, is that, for all you know, you could be a brain in a jar at a mad scientist’s laboratory, and the scientist has hooked up wires directly to your brain to cause all of the sensations that you think are the real world. Or course, there would be nothing you could do to disprove this from your position as a brain in a jar.

A few thoughts on this. First, while these type of skeptical ideas come from philosophy, radical skepticism is a pretty rare view among actual philosophers. Rejection of radical skepticism is one of the areas of greatest consensus in the field.

Second, you can’t argue against a radical skeptic on their own terms, so debating them in the hope of changing their mind is pointless.

Third, the way that Descartes escaped radical skepticism was arguing that he was certain that a good God existed, and a good God would not deceive people or allow them to be deceived in the way that radical skepticism imagines. This let him rely on his senses and reason to understand the world. Ironically, the position of young earth creationist has to be that God intentionally deceives people by creating a universe that looks way older than it actually is. So Descartes’ argument isn’t available to them.

Anyway, just posting this here in case these ideas are of interest to anyone else.


A lot of old timey philosophy was just sophistry to justify belief in god.

Setup- an objective/realist universe leads to all these negative conclusions that don’t happen, therefore god.

Of course god gets you to predeterminism and so they have more magic to get out of it.

Hello, my name is LFS, and I am two days clean from Nextdoor.


never enough drama on my Nextdoor to tempt me to log on often

Whenever I’ve glanced at mine it’s like i left my car unlocked and someone broke into it/stole it or someone stole packages off my step. Also lots of people looking for someone to do construction/maintenance type work.

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I got off mainstream social media around the beginning of the rise of Trump. It was toxic, I knew it was toxic, so I quit. Nextdoor was a relatively safe place and actually occasionally useful in the neighborhood. I muted the nutjobs pretty quickly and it stayed mundane. And then the fascists arrived in Glendale and it began creeping onto Nextdoor. And then this election happened where the people who want to burn down public schools for being too woke are trying to get on the school board. Seeing signs and banners for those motherfuckers gets my needle in the red, and then I’d come home and see somebody Just Asking Questions on Nextdoor and lose it.

I am not just a (recovered) alcoholic and drug addict. I can get addicted to lots of stuff, like rage. It is noooooo bueno for me or the people around me.


Yesterday someone was talking about how brave the Riverside sheriff was to have spoken the truth that California is a violent hellhole. I replied with the list of the 27 states with higher homicide rates.


Somebody made an addition to one of the banners that was killing me


My thing on living in a simulation is that the universe is sooooo much more complicated and weird than it needs to be if all you needed to do was harvest brains for the Matrix or whatever. Why even create other stars, other galaxies and black holes? Why have these weird things that aren’t particles and aren’t waves, but can wiz across the universe without ever slowing down?

If we’re in a simulation, we’re a byproduct, not the focus imo. We’re the outcome of a set of starting inputs that some other-dimensional 4th-grader plugged into universe simulation software in computer class. The simulation people never want to go that route though, because then it’s all about them anymore. Simulation people need to believe they’re the star of the show.

On the contrary, we should just hope the simulation minders never notice that one of their planets has a weird fungus growing on it and decide to disinfect it before it spreads.


Thanks for reminding me to vote for Katie Porter, Ryan!


I want one too.


@Soulman Saw you the other day! I was surprised to find out you’re a combat veteran of the United States Marine Corps! Thanks you for your service!




Ever seen a documentary called Infinite Potential?

I haven’t; looks interesting

You’re welcome friendbird!