2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

Looking good so far.

Yeah, pretty much a lock Telly holds on. Wanted it to be a bigger stomping. And in the other area the absolute lunatic Aneta is going to win. So I’m glad my guy won but it’s a mixed bag. I cannot wait to call Jordan Henry a loser in person.


Kevorkian routed. At least he was put out of his misery quickly.


Some say he ran purely to siphon Armenian votes from Jordan. As far as I know he did no campaigning.

All votes that remain to be counted are mail-in, which should benefit us.

This music video is fantastic:


I just came sooooo close to a typical suzzer foot-in-mouth that gets a first impression off to the worst start imaginable. The background is we recently hired a guy named Niki.

I just had my first one on one with a new hire named Alana over zoom. Alana’s camera wasn’t working, but when I heard what sounded like a man’s voice, I almost said, “Oh I thought you were a woman. You’re the second guy we’ve hired recently with a female-sounding name.”

Because I am a fucking idiot who says whatever pops into his head.

But I didn’t. So maybe that’s progress. Alana was very much dressed like a woman although I’m guessing that was not her birth gender. Yay me for not screwing up like I usually do.


Saw this on Reddit and it’s amazing


Top comment is A+.

It’s a Jew hating flag, but they got there from opposite directions.


Willy Wonka moralizing at fat kids is kind of like cigarette companies shaming lung cancer patients


I’m guessing Boeing’s CEO is not having a good day.


I have this queued up.

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Well that would suck to come back to after a trip

“Hey, where’s my car…?”

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Good for that old lady! She’ll have lots of supporters.
Many of us still remember what a nasty horrible c*** Thatcher was.

How many tires do they have? 8? Missing one won’t hurt.

“The 777-200 has six tires on each of its two main landing gear struts. The aircraft is designed to land safely with missing or damaged tires,” the airline said.

I would guess it could land ok with no tires. The cars that got bombed are probably not in great shape though.


Could be worse but that won’t buff out.

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Oh come on, the mobile paintless dent repair van can fix that in like an hour.

