2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

Libs trying to ruin america by reducing traffic related deaths



Ok Iā€™m dumb. What set him off with this?

Limiting parking spaces is killing the white man.

His shirt is the intro to the next season of White Lotus


Limiting parking places is ā€œwokeā€ because it is an evidence based approach to reducing societal harm.

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you guys donā€™t remember the whole 15 minute cities conspiracy? itā€™s about controlā€¦ THEY are going to take our cars and start controlling our lives.

but, for real. im serious that is a conspiracy and that is what he is talking about im pretty sure.


Limiting parking places is ā€œwokeā€ because it involves telling white men they canā€™t do something they want to do.

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ā€œItā€™s just one more step toward taking away peopleā€™s vehicles and implementing 15 minute commie-lockdown zones.
Everything globalists do is a step toward global tyranny on an unimaginable scale.ā€

this is literally one of the top responses.

sheā€™s 39, and i assume will continue getting hotter for the next 6-8 years :flushed:

I would be annoyed if my town banned on street parking.

But public parking is SOCIALISM and eliminating it is a boon to freedom imo.

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Sure, but who did that?

This is an inevitable outcome of any evidence based approach to reducing societal harm.

The woke death will soon visit you too, buster.

A welcome relief, IMO.


And they didnā€™t ban street parking.

They eliminated parking spaces that are at corners and right in front of crosswalks because cars parked there make it hard for pedestrians and drivers to see each other.

Thatā€™s it. Just at some corners/next to crosswalks.



Whatā€™s a 15 minute commie-lockdown zone? 15 minutes in the Gulag? Sounds like a very light sentence or an S&M party game.

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We got two mostly-different shows and the second show, which I did not attend, had a vastly better setlist. My lawnmower conducted a SpaceX test flight and experienced a RUD.

Side note, Matt talked all night about how hed worn the same pair of shoes to gigs for 12 years and that night was wearing a new pair and how weird it was. End of the show, he ripped the shoes off and threw them to someone in the crowd, lol.

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Another Goodwill find. If I was yoked, I wouldā€™ve bought it: