2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

What isn’t clear to me is if they’re talking about forensic units, which will contain more aggressive patients than typical inpatient psych wards, and obviously need more security.

My impression is there are widespread problems. My sister’s unit housed the most high-risk patients. Sounds as much like a prison as a hospital. The Arizona Republic has more in-depth reporting, but it’s paywalled.


The article has a link to a recent report produced by the hospital itself.

Worse crusing experience?

Poop cruise, or 3 year 100K cruise that never leaves and may or may not get you your money back after you sold your home to be on it?

i mean, lol people, but that does suck. you’re in turkey, a couple days from starting a 3-YEAR vacation around the world, and they say ‘sorry we don’t have a boat!’ :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Honestly, I can only get so mad here because renting out Versailles is such a stone-cold baller move that I have to respect it. Also, though what is it with car dealerships? I assume a lot of people who run car dealerships are decent people (Kurt Vonnegut can a Saab dealership), but like is there any other industry where women routinely feel it’s necessary to bring a man along to avoid getting scammed? I’ve had so many women tell me they always take a male friend with them when they’re car shopping. Maybe a lot of industries are like this and I’m a clueless bro here.


According to Twitter replies, it may not have been Versailles but some other less gigantic manor.

I knew the dudes who owned car dealerships were rich, but are they that rich? Even billionaires don’t drop 59 million on a wedding. I figure you would have to have at least 1B to do that without thinking about it. So the guys who own dealerships are fucking billionaires?

I don’t know how true that is any more. Too much info out there on what the dealer costs are. It is hard to get too scammed if you can use the internet. However, these days, even if you have all the info, supply and demand is such that getting is a great deal isn’t as easy as it used to be.

That’s gotta be a ton of dealerships.

Your error is assuming a not-terribad financial decision was made1

To be clear, I don’t know if it’s actually true that solo women get soaked at car dealers, but it is for sure the perception that a lot of women seem to have.

Oh, I’m pretty sure it’s true, I just think it’s easier to defend against now for those who want to and are capable of it.

Home repair stuff also super common, both from the not wanting to get scammed perspective and (for many, but not all, women) also from the not wanting to be alone with strange men in the house angle.

Women tend to be less impulsive shoppers for cars than men, so I would be surprised if they are truly getting taken to the cleaners on the regular. But I can certainly see a woman not wanting to get skeeved on by the salesman even if the man along with her doesn’t do anything for getting a better price. But also I suppose women are more averse to adversarial negotiation than men are, but that is a much bigger ask of a male friend when there are options like Car Max and soliciting a bunch of dealers online for their best price and going with the best offer.

That was my take too. Tens of millionaires sure but it is an outlier car dealership owner who has enough to spend 50 million on a wedding. I knew the largest ford dealer in the world (and he owned like 6 other dealerships) and he was nowhere close to having that kind of money.

Maybe it’s Elon musk

That’s definitely possible, but my perception was that even the richest car dealer wouldn’t have a liquid 59 million to spend on a wedding even if they wanted to make that bad decision.

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I’m not sure if it’s that women don’t like negotiating (everyone hates that) but more the fear that car dealers are going to try to take advantage of their perceived ignorance by upselling them for things or charging for maintenance that isn’t necessary.

I am pretty sure I have seen some data that women are less likely than men to counter in salary negotiations (and also are more likely to be punished for it, so perhaps the reticence is justified). It isn’t 100 sure that translates to cars, but it would seem likely to. As for upsells, I dunno. Maybe, but it’s literally the job of the sales people (and especially the finance guy at the end) to upsell everyone on everything. I would be surprised if there is much difference in the number of upsell offers between the sexes.

Her father is CEO of a car dealer group (founded by his grandfather) that recently sold two dealerships for at least $150 million.