2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune





Would fit the theme of the Bachelorette party


Double whammy of unearned wealth

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Please not again


Kind of want to go drop some McD’s wrappers around just to wipe the smug off his hobbit face

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A company Christmas potluck for employees of a San Pedro Taco Bell turned into a boozy bash, with one worker having sex with his wife in front of spectators and another vomiting into a guacamole bowl, according to a lawsuit by one of the employees.

The alcohol-fueled party took place on Dec. 18, 2022 at the Taco Bell on 1031 S. Gaffey St. in San Pedro, where Bechiom had worked as a cashier, according to court records.

Workers were “encouraged to bring food in a potluck-styled buffet,” and Bechiom had decided to take a guacamole bowl to the party.

When she walked in, however, the lawsuit claims, she noticed the windows in the restaurant were covered with wrapping paper, and the cameras in the Taco Bell lobby were also covered.

She had been socializing in the parking lot for a while but, when Bechiom walked back in, according to court records, she found one of her male co-workers was “having sex with his wife in front of everyone at the party.”

The co-worker’s wife, the lawsuit states, was bent over and kissing two other co-workers, including a supervisor, simultaneously.

“[Bechiom] was shocked, disgusted and outraged by what she saw and ran,” according to the suit.

But before leaving, the lawsuit states she went back into the Taco Bell to get her guacamole bowl. Instead she found two of her co-workers vomiting, with one retching into her bowl.

Bechiom complained to her supervisor about what she saw and about someone vomiting into her bowl, but the supervisor then threatened to fight her, according to the suit.


I know who I am not inviting to my party.


Such a Debbie Downer.

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that makes me happy. i hope he understands fear a little better…

huh i always wondered why it was called “potluck”

That’s honestly some fucking bullshit that they had a party for Taco Bell employees at a Taco Bell and didn’t just feed them Taco Bell or get it catered by another restaurant, but actually had their poor employees bring homemade food. I’d like to complain to HR about that.

HR takes your complaint very seriously. We are committed to a safe, healthy, and inclusive workplace where employees can raise concerns. Our promise to you is that we will handle your complaint fairly.

On a completely different topic, we regret to inform you that your position has been eliminated due to corporate restructuring. Your building key and access codes have been disabled. Security will escort you from the building immediately. We wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.


It wasn’t HR, but when my sister complained to a higher level manager about chronic understaffing and safety issues at the state mental hospital, he told her she could always leave. So she did.

That was probably the kindest answer he could give her, since I doubt even upper level managers at state psych hospitals have much control over the budget.

Not a terrible answer, imo. Depends on how you execute it. Many times the problem is a legitimate one, it’s just not one they can solve (for reasons Chesspain mentioned and others).

The Governor got a funding increase through this year but it’s going to take more than that. It’s an extremely dangerous place and has been for years. My sister had previously been assaulted and injured on the job. I’m glad she left.


this happened to a couple people at my last “we’re not like those other companies, we treat people different!” job, straight up fired for going to HR thinking they could call the company out for not living up to their principles.

like hey we’re walking 10+ miles a day bussing tables, everyone is injured, I thought you cared about us? only to get fired for not reporting injuries on the job

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