2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

Wtf 2 dealerships are worth that?

Usury, you say?


Probably includes a significant amount of inventory plus real estate value

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The story suggests that the real estate was $150m and that other stuff pushed the overall price to over $650m.



Things I wish I would have thought up on 2 + 2


Racist birds itt


Always had suspicions about this fucker.





I have come around to finding this obsession with campus life, not just annoying, but absolutely bizarre. Like why are multiple dozens to hundreds of people obsessing over and over about the ins and outs of 4 to 6 years of someoneā€™s life? While thereā€™s nearly zero discussion about ā€˜work cultureā€™ in the sense that no oneā€™s writing up about the latest trends in the break rooms of America and sticking it into everything or thinking itā€™s contributing to the great downfall of America in spite of work life being decades of a personā€™s life?

Students have been a punching bag for conservatives in just about every society ever. It makes sense: theyā€™re always left-wing, always basically powerless, and thereā€™s always going to be some incident somewhere that you can cherrypick to show how coddled and ridiculous they are.

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I agree students are convenient punching bags, but thereā€™s also been a lotvof coverage about things like corporate DEI initiatiatives and concern trolling about whether the me too movement will mean the end of relationships b/c dating a coworker is now seen as potentially more problematic or how ā€œa jokeā€ in the company slack might get you fired.

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College is a transition point. If youā€™re going to influence peopleā€™s lives and opinions, thatā€™s the place to do it. Not many people change their povs because of what coworkers are saying around the water cooler at work. I guess the place to have greatest effect would be middle school, so thatā€™s where you ban books or whatever, but thatā€™s creepy af.

How about we give the peninsula back to Japan wtf???


serious questionā€¦ why are dogs off limits but pigs inā€¦ other than racism/xenophobia?

what makes an animal food and/or taboo?

The ones that can be taught where to poop are family, the other ones we murder for sustenance.


A classic exchange from All in the Family, after the kids gave Edith a piece of cooked horsemeat.

Edith: I canā€™t eat this. The Queen rides a horse.
Mike: Cā€™mon, Ma. You eat chicken.
Edith: [shouting] The Queen donā€™t ride a chicken!


So I need to visit Korea before then?

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