2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

Ramen actually originated in China, and originally ramen in Japan was a cheap dish served in Chinese restaurants. Then, like many things, the Japanese adopted it and took it to amazing new levels.


Poor people can enjoy ramen too:


At this moment I’m watching a Japanese drama about the man who invented instant ramen.



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If the freakonomics folks are any indication, taking Econ classes seems to provide more brain rot than less on how humans behave.

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Actually it’s quite a story.

Guess it’s time to drop the ramen Western, Tampopo, in here. Worth a watch if you haven’t seen it:



Yeah, ramen originated in China, and actually the word “ramen” is a borrowed word that comes from the same Chinese word we get “lo mein” from.

Hold the seasoning.

Mix with 1 tsp soy sauce and 1 tsp chili crisp (Captain Troy’s preferably).

There was a solid 3-4 weeks in college where ChatRoulette was interesting and engaging. Then it was abruptly nothing but Penises.


Weeks? As I recall, it was more like 3-4 hours.

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Kids sports are nuts these days.

I was at my kid’s soccer game this weekend. As they were warming up, some dude (looked like a coach of the other team) was mounting an approximately 20 foot pole near the sideline. I was kind of wondering what the fuck he was doing. I overheard some other parents talking to get to the bottom of it. Apparently it was some sort of wide angle camera to video the game so that the “kids can review the game film later in the week”.

WTF! These kids are fucking 8 years old.

This was, of course, a sign of things to come. My kid’s team got wafflecrushed.

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Orange: juice
Pineapple: juice
Grapefruit: juice
Coconut: milk :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting:


How about coconut water? That’s not so bad, is it?

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I make as instructed and add 1 or two tbsp sambal oelek.


I knew that coconut wasn’t a nut, but I had never thought of it as a fruit either. Though apparently it is.

omg gross. There’s near zero tactical instruction that matters at this age, even if it’s super high level. You develop players at this age by having smaller fields, lots of touches, and lots of movement.

Do you think that milk just came out of a coconut?