2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

The most important thing for late night drunk ramen is that smell coming off the grill (or griddle or whatever it’s called). That’s what gets the taste buds going nuts. Can’t have the kitchen hidden away. It needs to be right out there among the people.

I think all school boards suffer from an apparent lack of transparency, but I wonder if that’s inherent in the rules the school board has to follow. At least in my district, the school board is unable to answer questions during public comment. So the meetings end up with the school board trying to get done the business of the district, the community screaming at the board during public comment, and then sometimes the board addressing some of the concerns in closing comments. It’s a really poor way to try to communicate with the community.

Thankfully the director I supported has had similar ideas as me and is hosting regular community chats and cafes so that there can actually be a dialogue between the (at least 1 member) of the board and the community. The board is also limited because they can never show up to anything with enough for a quorum, so that means no more than 2 board members can be at any event that isn’t an official school board meeting/work session.

The community, understandably, wants answer NOW, and the board is stuck with Robert’s Rules of Order and other restrictions so they’re unable to provide the answers when the community asks.

And though I think our superintendent is good, not great, but on the upper end of superintendents, communication isn’t one of his strong characteristics.

There’s also the issue that the school board is unpaid, the folks on the board generally have a full time job, and there’s meetings and worksessions every week. I think we demand too much of the school board, especially for an unpaid position. The director I supported - her husband had to drop out of his master’s program because the family couldn’t handle the time needed for her to be on the school board, her husband’s masters program, and taking care of their young son.

She won’t be running again.

Most good food used to be poor peasant food. Peasants know how to cook.

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This will happen in my area next generation. New schools are popping up everywhere as we grow rapidly. That will stop at some point and people are having less kids so we are gonna end up with a bunch of empty schools. A competent city would take advantage of that fact and repurpose the schools into low cost housing, but this is capitalism, so fuck that noise. Bring on another Costco!

This reminds me. Recent story m&m mars had a partnership with a vending machine company where the vending machines take pictures of patrons to track their race, sex and age and they were keeping all the photos.

Some college figured it out when the machine started error messaging facial recognition.

These businesses will try anything.

Yeah, there’s nothing like freshly seared pork Belly. Goddamn that smell is crack.

Monta Ramen. First one was Shokku.

The development seems to be a key piece. I personally have Zillowed this area because mine is currently too expensive, so I could see some out-migration from Seattle-Bellevue type areas. Those moves would likely be replacement level, but not an influx of new students.

I agree, and I think we’ll see more people moving into the area if/when housing prices or interest rates drop. I can’t imagine anyone is really looking to replace their 2.5% mortgage with a 6.5% mortgage.

I’ve come around quite a ways on development in the city. I wish they’d make it easier, and I think all development would improve the situation - low cost, market rate and high cost. Anything that adds housing units.

Some of the community will bring up how the surrounding districts are growing in enrollment while we’re declining. So I looked it up, and Lacey (city that abuts to the north of Olympia) permits 1500+ housing units a year. Olympia permits 350. I think that’s a big reason why Lacey has an influx of students and their housing prices are about $50k lower compared to a similar home in Olympia.

UP: How much does your ramen cost?



Wow they directly ripped off the Star Trek time portal.


I’m so cynical that I’m just imagining this being an irl version of chat roulette. Dudes will ruin this.


I never heard of that. I thought, why isn’t there an online version? Ofc there is and ofc it’s f’d up.


for the last 10 years i thought nys democrats should have installed an independent commission (not the case here) for future districting. but at the same time a lot of democrats an dprogressives want control of the house enough to gerrymander NY as retaliation. this map seems like dems could have overperformed in an election like '24, with no guarantees beyond.

My interest in buying property in puerto rico landed me in some rich ppl FB groups and it’s kind of humanizing. Theyre just as scared as everyone.

Yeah. But this is them figuring out how to work withing the human behaviour constraints of their industry.

McDonald’s has a dollar menu, plus premium specials. That’s price differentiation that people accept

If Wendys want surge pricing, they just need slightly different menus at different times of day and people will lap it up you just can’t call it surge pricing.

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Jack up all prices on the menu, then institute daily 10% Off “Wendy’s Hours” from 2-4pm and a “Late Night Special” from 9pm til close.

Boom, surge pricing.



What are they scared of? Are they scared of getting pulled over by a cop and shot? Or are they scared about going broke?

Just doing it wrong. Whatever “it” and “wrong” mean to them … i wasnt very articulate in my comment. I guess im watching people have the same questions i do, but it surprises me bc they have money