2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

That’s probably just the poor emotional regulation of your severely lead-poisoned brain talking…

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My gosh, how smart would I be if it weren’t for all the lead and fluoride. Scary to think about!


Wtf? Where are my birth years? Are we 81-87ians just like 50% lead?

I dislike the Beatles considerably. And Paul wrote easily the worst christmas song of all time.

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FWIW I got radon remediation for the very low level that was detected coming from under our house.

Nah, The Beatles rule and I’m looking forward to the first installment of the new BCU.


Oldy timey music in the 50’s was shitty hillbilly country and western crap or jazzy crooners. The Beatles didn’t really have much competition and took advantage of it. Plus, there were only half as many people around in 1960 as there are now so a much smaller market to dominate. The population growth plus the changes in the music industry make Tayler Swift’s popularity much more impressive than the Beatles, regardless of what you think of their music.

idk, it’s not like the music scene in 2024 is all that great. But it’s not a competition.

It’s not like I sit around listening to them now, but I went through a big Beatles phase when I was young (I am currently 50). There’s some good shit in there and their influence almost can’t be overstated.

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This forum is so nuts. The Beatles suck but Elvis was awesome!!!

Every music nerd on earth is getting mad for some reason right now they don’t know.

The amount of diversity now is orders of magnitude different than in the 60’s. There are so many more acts and so many more ways to connect with an audience than there was back then. You don’t need a contract with a record label to make a living. The downside is that the taste makers don’t have the same power they used to. A record company can’t spend a ton of money “marketing” a band to make them popular.

Okay Canadian…


I’m still trying to figure out how ‘freedom to do as you ought not as you want’ is anything but tyranny. Every tyrant has a way they think you ought to behave, that you don’t get a choice is what makes it tyranny!

It turns out that “freedom” for Project 2025 activists is only freedom to live in alignment with their religious worldview: “When the Founders spoke of ‘pursuit of Happiness,’ what they meant might be understood today as in essence ‘pursuit of Blessedness,’” the report declares, adding, “That is, an individual must be free to live as his Creator ordained—to flourish. Our Constitution grants each of us the liberty to do not what we want, but what we ought.”[59]


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They should have Brian Epstein show up after the credits of the first Beatles movie, like Nick Fury.

Not even close. It was a late 3rd rounder in our draft.

Don’t make me post Christmas Shoes.


I just finished reading “freedoms dominion” about Barbour county in Alabama that won the Pulitzer, really great book.

He makes the case that when conservatives say freedom they mean “freedom to dominate others”

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I would be pretty surprised if you haven’t heard this one at least once. At least in America, it was everywhere:

This was pretty huge, too:

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No. You are a lot better off than me. I was born in 1967 and I think peak lead was like 1969. In 1978 lead was banned from paint and in like 1982 it was banned from gasoline and lead has decreased a lot since then.

The story of removing lead is very interesting. The guy who discovered that the world was full of lead was a scientist trying to carbon date the oldest rocks and estimate the age of the Earth. He kept finding his samples were contaminated with lead and got samples all over the world. He found the biggest culprit was lead in gasoline and went on a decade long campaign to have it banned.

Conservatives believe in a natural hierarchical order to things that are manifested in time-tested traditions and institutions. They think that freedom allows this order to assert itself and that liberal usage of the state to deny that order is a constraint on freedom.


Is there anything more to this than just putting out music and singing her songs?

“Bringing joy” just doesn’t seem that special to me. Isn’t that what most music artists big and small try to do?

Or is there something more that I’m not seeing? (It’s very possible since I’m not a huge fan. She has some elite songs, some great songs, some decent songs, some horrendous songs. Many more good than bad though.)