2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

I forget which thread is the Alex Jones will never have to pay anything thread, so I’ll put this here.


Yes doing some quick reading and there are various explanations.

Also saw cold water coming in deposits in your lines and then the hot water re-dissolves it.

So hot water heater keeps a high level soluble. Then static water in the line cools off and the lead falls out and deposits in the lines. Then when you draw hot water it goes back into solution and out your tap.

in the 1990s some asshole started a rumor that cold water boils faster than hot water. they probably misunderstood the lead thing, or a game of telephone slowly turned good advice into bad.

I love the cold water vs hot water boiling problem. It’s like Zeno’s Paradox for simpletons.

Sooooo, how much are they getting from this?

In the West coast anyway very few people are going to have lead between their kitchen and hot water heater - maybe some in the solder if they have older copper pipes. More likely to find lead in the pipes coming from the city before they get to your hot water heater.

Dunno if anything else is in water heaters or of they get nasty inside when they get old - not that the inside of the supply pipes running for miles and miles to your house are pristine.

Whadda buncha snowflakes. When I was a kid we has lead pipes and lead paint and drank lead milk and those of us that lived turned out fine.


I’ve literally never heard not to cook with hot tap water, and often use it. Basically every time I’ve made pasta I’ve started with a pot of hot tap water before putting it on the stove. There’s no way this is common knowledge among my generation.


I suspect this is a “one size fits all” solution to a 5% problem. For more info, there’s a poorly written poster available here https://cfpub.epa.gov/si/si_public_record_Report.cfm?dirEntryId=359456&Lab=CESER

Now let’s talk Flint MI. It’s probably more widely a problem than we think.

I’ve had to mediate two house for radon. The science behind it is a fairly extreme linear extrapolation down from much higher radiation exposure.

My understanding of biology is that there are thresholds below which existing DNA repair mechanisms can correct for certain exposure levels.

Anyhow, I was always suspicious about how much below the published data I had to remediate down to, but at the end of the day it was about a thousand bucks to deal with. But the advertisements and online info was “you’re going to die”

Moral of the story is stop letting white people vote.

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It’s not just lead, FWIW. Any undesirable stuff in your pipes is going to dissolve more readily in hot water.

Our house has a radon removal system. We we had it tested during our inspection and the seller had to pay to put it in, think it was $2-3k.

What if the undesirable stuff in my pipes is gaseous?

The last time I had to do it was 2000. The year 2000.

I have a hard thinking that I have owned 5 homes in my life. That’s the same number as the rest of my family combined (parents and 3 brothers).

I really can’t think of any living person that creates as much joy as Taylor Swift.

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I learned this from my mom 40 years ago, though I had never sorted out the why.

Is it strange that I recognize only one song of hers, and just because it was the theme song for a Japanese TV show I watched?

I assume if I have one of those instant hot water dispensers, then that is fine. Right? I suppose that it could be supplied by the hot water line, but I’ve got no idea. My house’s plumbing is one giant black box.