2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

Ya ya I’m a centrist. You win.


i never said you were a centrist or anything else. you yourself said you want to distance from the people she’s talking about in the video. and i’m saying she IS the same people she’s talking about in the video. her virtue signaling or tribalism which apparently resonates with sky is that she’s more “real” than the other people she doesn’t think are “real”.

it’s entirely fair for someone like skydiver to say, “my job is to win elections and these are the statements and the policies that can win elections in my area”. so why is it not totally fair for me whos job isn’t to win elections to say “i personally don’t support moral compromises.”

What they really want is someone who believes and acknowledges that Israel is committing genocide.

I could argue that believing that doesn’t require one to call for a ceasefire.

For most people, identifying something as a genocide is the end of the argument. With good reason.

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I’m not saying it’s true, but it’s at least reasonable for someone to believe that genocide is occurring and that stance deserves to have a voice in the room.

Greetings comrade.


My issue is when people absolutely REFUSE to acknowledge that Hamas wants to genocide the Jews as much as Netanyahu wants to genocide Palestinians. Like, it’s right there in their charter. Their leaders have said it on TV, just like Israel’s leadership has said it. And yet I have these “leftists” screaming at me that “from the river to the sea” doesn’t REALLY mean that, there’s no way our good and virtuous Palestinian leaders could possibly be just as bad as the nasty Jewish ones.

Of course, no one really seems to care what the normal citizens of either side wants.

Both sides should be free to live without the fear that they are going to have a rocket land on their house at any given moment. And that will take more than a “ceasefire” it will take a permanent peace agreement. It will take Hamas changing their tune about eradicating the Jews, and it will take Israel changing their tune about bombing Palestinians. Rich white kids wearing keffiyehs and protesting outside Jewish delis in Brooklyn isn’t going to help that.

oof, it’s definitely been the case:

To illustrate some of the concepts I’ve mentioned earlier, the following is a perfect example. CA Senator Scott Wiener is a true progressive champion. He as led the charge in California to reform housing laws, legalize marijuana and psilocybin, CalCare (our version of Medicare for All), LGBTQ rights, basically every progressive position. The right despises him. He is one of our best and most effective lawmakers.


I mean, good job to those protestors, they’ve gotten the right to defend one of their most hated legislators. Come together, amirite?

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Lots of not genuine people on this topic. Reducing this to a slogan is part of maintaining the problem. Either side.

Hang in there Sky.


why is it so hard to say “i don’t support the US funding this”.

that would be actually not taking a side. not saying anything IS picking a side.



Ok, maybe his statement is a bit wide by saying “anyone.” Many of the leaders of this “movement” though? Absolutely.

Def don’t agree with anyone doing that obviously, I still don’t make the connection that ceasefire now is somehow tainted in the way discussed here anymore than basically any support for Palestinians would be.

I think most people do care what the general citizens want and want the bloodshed to stop, but you gotta start with a ceasefire, not go round and round about how hamas leaders are just as bad, everyone knows that, but only one side is doing the genocide that people want stopped,

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The fact that the US is funding this is so idiotic it’s hard to believe it’s real. It’s like zero was learned by the US support in Afghanistan and the direct line to Bin Laden.

It’s nearly 100% in 10 years we will be talking about some not yet named jihadist group that formed in the embers of a burning building in Gaza.

Even if there wasn’t unmeasurable suffering happening in Gaza how can the US and Israel not see how obviously against their own self interest this whole thing is?!

My personal tactic is to avoid calling for a ceasefire but strongly call for getting Netanyahu out of power by any means necessary.

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That’s not what I’m being asked, though!

Not once has this been mentioned in this entire convo. Why don’t you ask me that question? No need, I’ll tell you. I don’t support the US funding this.

If someone, god, a magic fairy, a djinn, anything, could come take away my ability to see nuance and second-level effects, I think I’d kind of like that right about now.

Do they? You’re projecting a lot, I fear.

ummm…might want to rephrase that

I generally agree with you but the one thing I honestly do struggle with is it seems that if all weapons and defence magically vanished from Israel it is very likely they would soon be wiped out. If the same thing happened in gaza its seems very likely Israel would stop the attack and retreat.

I am not sure what can be done about this imbalance of motives. It seems to be the foundational barrier to peace.

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What has weiner said about it? Video didn’t say that I saw, I mean people are mad and if your rep is on the other side people are gonna be mad no?

This is exactly my question and why I get upset at people who refuse to acknowledge the motives here.

Do we really want to go back to this? Rocket & Mortar Attacks Against Israel by Date

The people on the left that I’m aware of and involved in our protests know that, can’t speak for all Americans.

Edit: and people on this board

Only one side is doing the genocide

I think most people prefer a peace and a solution obviously, ceasefire is the first step to that

Umm aren’t Israelis constantly settling and initiating violence in Palestinian lands since the start of this?

What part of Israel would just stop and retreat goes with that? If you mean they would stop the mass genocide and continue with the slow moving one then yes you’re correct.