2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

I mean yea if someone is protesting a private Jewish citizens house/ not a politicianwith ceasefire now chant yes that would change it. I’m not aware of that being case?

If you’re a prominent Jewish person or politician and won’t say ceasefire and then people protest you about a ceasefire seems like they want the genocide to stop!

I agree, have you ever read the poster Riverman comments on random articles and subjects that get posted here?


I mean I’m not aware of any wording that could possibly be better than ceasefire aka stop the killing

The previous ceasefire certainly didn’t stop the killing.

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How about “chill out” imo.

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Not sure if you meant Israelis killing or the Oct 7th, I’m just not getting how asking for ceasefire could be construed as antisemitic

I think the issue you might be facing is that this is the exact language used by mealy mouthed, soulless politicians too in bed with the whole weird Israel US co-dependency to be able to say what is obvious to anyone with working senses. For better or worse (probably worse lets face it) people who don’t know you are going to assume bad faith if you’re not explicit about the ongoing genocide that they see unfolding in front of them. They don’t know you like we do.

I can understand that you are trying to be sensitive to your friends but I like you already (at least the “you” that I know from this random offshoot poker adjacent politics forum) and I’m pretty sure you’re a good person (better than me for certain). Someone who doesn’t know you is going to hear that language and make assumptions because all the bad faith assholes talk exactly like that. I feel you should be more mad at them for muddying the waters rather than at the person who is looking for some clarity even if they are looking for it in a dumb and counterproductive way.


Guerilla fighters always want ceasefires, since they don’t fight out in the open or follow rules of war.

Anyone who thinks that Israel should accept a ceasefire with no other concessions/agreements would probably also be in favor of Israel ceasing to exist.

Haha no but that’s quite a leap

I meant the Nov.24-30 ceasefire.

Yea if you were to say I don’t want just a ceasefire sure I’m down, but you can say let’s start with a ceasefire now

refusing to bow to eDem failed incrementalism is the new extreme virtue signaling. lol at defending shying away from saying the word “ceasefire” while admitting that you don’t say it because you will lose supporters.


I cannot understand the response to critiques of some sections of the left. It’s not a personal attack on you specifically. It seems very odd to act like every single portion of the lefts coalition is pure of heart.

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I think most people here myself included agree that those factions exist but they exist on both sides, centrists just use those people to attack the left in general and make it out to be more of a problem than it is.

I saw where Rashid talib is taking shit for telling people not to vote Biden in the primary, folks that’s what a primary is for, to register your discontent with the party, sorry not pledging allegiance to the guy enabling the genocide


The original post was to discuss a specific problem on the left. Why is what happens on the right relevant?

I don’t judge the morality of my group by the worst impulses of my opposition.

It’s also interesting that some of the responses have been exactly what was discussed in the original posts with some people calling her centrist, eDem, etc to other her. It’s the exact impulse that led to her original video.

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I meant it as it happens in politics in general

Oh my bad then. I agree it does happen as a natural outcome of politics but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t fight the impulse especially when it starts taking root as a virtue among our allies.

why should we fight that impulse? are you scared they are going to become the nazi meme because i told someone we shouldn’t fund ethnic cleansing? or we should progress further than they want? progressives should be actively trying to drag the party and country into a better future whether it’s kicking and screaming or not.

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That’s not what I said or the video said. In fact she makes the exact opposite point in the video that too often the most vocal are the least likely to do the hard work of moving the world to a more progressive place.

Her point is a section of the left has adopted the guise of a progressive goal as just another identify weapon to shore up their existing tribalism tendencies. These people dont actually care about progress so they will turn their ire to anyone as long as doing so somehow reinforces their tribalism.

Just because this group portends to be in our team doesn’t necessitate us to defend them. In fact, we should distance ourselves as much as possible as they harm our cause.

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how do you or her know they dont care? how do you or her know they don’t donate or do other things? isn’t that just a lazy assumption to shore up your existing triablism tendencies? what harm are they causing? causing centrists to have a sads?