2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

Did you tell him you support a ceasefire? Seems like that’s what he wanted? I think that dude just crazy, that’s not indicative of anyone here or anyone else that I know of on the left that would have a problem with what you said

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Seems like a great opportunity to “yes, and” rather than dissect the dictionary definition of “ceasefire”


Do you think activists were in Congress to end segregation? Black representatives were barely a thing in the 60s. The guys who were President then were Eisenhower and LBJ.

Yea this is all I’m saying, coulda just gave him what he wanted right? Seems like what I would do if I wanted his support


Right. I think a big part of the issue is that most mealy-mouthed politicians are just pieces of shit that love to talk in circles, and so when they refuse to say “yes I support a ceasefire” it correctly gets interpreted as them not supporting a ceasefire. Probably not in sky’s case, and also probably irrelevant to her race–all the more reason to just say “yea I do” and move on.


I don’t think “centrism/electing centrists got us civil rights” is a take worth visiting

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If you’re saying they should deal with the fringe attacking them I agree

Activists are important. The centrists were persuaded by the activists to end segregation in part because they tolerated the criticism from activists. Nowadays, getting vitriol is handled by the block button, which is exactly what someone ITT recommended @skydiver8 do.

No, because he was never going to support me, and I know that, but giving him what he wanted would then alienated supporters I already have.

So I stuck to my personal position, which I have posted twice already.

By the way, I never actually got an answer to why he doesn’t support a permanent peace agreement.


Sorry, no.

this discourse proves how coded that particular phrase has come. To you, it means one thing. To my Jewish friends and supporters, who have been the victims of terrible antisemitism since Oct 7th, it means something completely different.

A GOOD public servant understands this nuance. Call it mealy-mouthed if you will, I see it differently.

Lol lol

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Ceasefire means something completely different?

I mean the question is do you think the Israeli state should stop massacring palestinian children today or carry on? Don’t see why it matters what you call it.


I can see that like River to sea or Palestinian liberation mean something diff to Jews but not ceasefire

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Of course I want a ceasefire but I would take it a step further. I want a permanent peace treaty in place too.


Come on. When your home and/or places of business are being protested by people chanting “ceasefire now” of COURSE it comes to take on a completely different connotation, even meaning. How do you not see this?

Maybe permanent peace agreement means something different to the activist than what it means to you.

It matters to me and it matter to my friends and supporters who believe in permanent peace and a two-state solution.

I said what I said.

sorry that doesn’t fit neatly into a chant.

There is a certain percentage of the left that’s just super fucking annoying because their goal isn’t getting better policy enacted it’s just screaming about their own virtue relative to other democrats. It’s tiresome, childish and unproductive.