2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

It could have been written by at least a handful of members who post here in the Gaza-Israel thread.

I mean cmon

This is it, this is what we’re talking about. Thousands of people, at most, using a garbage social media site, likely anonymously.


There are people arguing in our forum that a truce is not good enough because it doesn’t say ceasefire?

This never existed

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this has nothing to do with my candidate.

this has everything to do with activist effectiveness. can you tell me what’s wrong with what PP said?

Coming from the person who shrugged off the deaths of children as long as there are any hostages remaining, I think you are one case where calling someone pro-Genocide is actually not hyperbole. Sorry most here disagree with you.


Like it or not, Twitter drives narratives. I hate it too, and it’s easy and feels good to write it off, but a lot of influential people and organizations are on there. The media reports on things happening on twitter. Look at the whole “vibecession” thing.

They consider Israel’s incursion into Gaza to be a war crime, and consider those who don’t agree with them to be genocide sympathizers.

Most don’t…just the loud, naive ones.

I mean yea, it’s pretty clear my guy, but that’s not what was being discussed, skydiver said the guy wanted her to say ceasefire even tho that’s what her candidate is calling for and more, seems like her candidate is fine and the guy skydiver talked to is crazy. Although I would say her candidate should just say ceasefire too, don’t see why he wouldnt

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It might drive a narrative but doesn’t mean you get to say the whole left is like that cuz of Twitter folks

I think you’re conflating having a civil discussion with being able to easily take a centrist position but again I think guy in question is just a dick but why can’t your candidate just say ceasefire too? Does he not want to?

That’s right buddy, you’re the Silent Majority


This is exactly why GOP Congressional Reps are quitting in the other thread. Tolerance, both of differing viewpoints and criticism of those viewpoints, is dropping rapidly. Twitter puts these things in your face constantly and makes it hard to take a step back. As a centrist, we need more radical centrism to give the grown ups the emotional and moral support they need to go govern, but there just isn’t the energy among centrists and low infos to scream on Twitter.

I’m not. Have you not read that I literally see it IN REAL LIFE every fucking day because of what I do for work?

it’s happening right now, right here in this thread. You find ONE thing you disagree on and throw the rest of the issue out of the window because oh my god they mention social media nevermind that social media is a huge factor in many peoples’ lives, ESPECIALLY the lives of activists!

Amazingly enough, it’s a perfect example of what that mission creep article talks about, just flipped around:

Most people are a confusing mix of demographic signals, issue positions and partisan identification, and they rarely fit squarely within one political tribe. That’s the danger of turning a single-issue advocacy group into a generalized progressive messaging group—you’ll end up alienating a far wider group of potential allies than you realize.

If Issue Group X declares loud progressive positions not just on Issue X but also on gun control, abortion, Palestine, Medicare For All, trans rights, free trade and school prayer, they won’t attract a large diverse group of people who care about Issue X. They’ll end up attracting a narrow slice of progressive activists who are ideologically pristine enough to agree with them on every issue.

The ultimate result of activist mission creep is that your issue ceases to be something that people across the ideological spectrum can work together on. It becomes coded as a red tribe vs blue tribe issue, gets swallowed by the general culture war, and progress grinds to a halt as partisan warfare starts.

I guess my question about these language police who are gatekeeping stuff like this is: so what? It sounds like the complaint is “you can’t even have a reasonable conversation anymore”. Well, yeah, welcome to the club, we had some jackets made.

I am not interested in running for anything or managing anybody else’s campaign, but the only way I can imagine dealing with this is “these are my views, these are my stances, if you don’t like it don’t vote for me”. Trying to get everyone to agree and get crazy people to be reasonable is a fool’s errand.


Yes it did. All those beltway soirees that get mocked here where political parties mixed and tolerated each other, and meetings where policy is hashed out is where it happened. Then the centrists who got tired of being yelled at and quit were replaced by radicals.

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I think that position just essentially means that all groups have to stay in their lane for fear of alienating people that don’t share views of the other groups no? that’s not how solidarity works.

this wasn’t about him, it was about me running for central committee.

I don’t say it because I’m a nerd who enjoys being precise in my language, and I am naturally suspicious. To me, “ceasefire” leaves it open for more violence later, because I know what the internationally agreed upon definitions of “ceasefire”, “armistice,” and “treaty” are.

So I ask: are those calling for a ceasefire and refusing to accept MY call for a permanent peace treaty really in favor of peace? Why would you NOT want a permanent peace agreement?

Gosh I know if we had just kept electing radical centrists we coulda just kept on with the white supremacy but at least we woulda had some moderates in office that weren’t harassed by the fringes and could come to agreement on a way to continue white supremacy in a civil manner fuck yeah!